How To Install InfluxDB Telegraf and Grafana on Docker

How To Install InfluxDB Telegraf and Grafana on Docker

Finding all monitoring platforms installation on Docker is very tricky but we are yet with this magical tutorial where you all gonna learn How To Install InfluxDB Telegraf and Grafana on Docker. Not only installation, configuration, and setup but also basics about three platforms such as InfluxDB Telegraf and Grafana.

InfluxDB is one of the most used time-series databases nowadays and was created in 2013 by InfluxData. Telegraf is a plugin-driven server agent for collecting and sending metrics and events from databases, systems, and IoT sensors. Grafana is a free and open-source (FOSS/OSS) visualization tool utilized on top of a variety of diverse data stores but is most commonly used together with Graphite, InfluxDB, Prometheus, and Elasticsearch

On the other hand, Docker is a virtualization environment that provides an easy way to create, manage and delete containers on the fly.

All these were the most widely used for monitoring and dashboarding in the DevOps industry by many successful companies in the world. If you are seeking help to install any one of these tools on docker then follow this tutorial till to the end and make installation of InfluxDB Telegraf and Grafana on Docker easily. 

Note: InfluxDB is currently shifting to Influx 2.0, providing a single platform to manage all the components of the TICK stack. As a result, another tutorial will be available for InfluxDB 2.0.


The requirements that you should do prior to install InfluxDB Telegraf and Grafana on Docker are as follows:

Sudo privileges

First of all, you need to have sudo rights on your Linux machine, otherwise, you won’t be able to install InfluxDB on your host.

To verify it, run the following command

$ sudo -v

If no error messages are shown on your terminal, you are good to go.

Next, you want to make sure that Docker is correctly installed on your system.

Installation & Configuration of Docker Correctly

To install Docker on Ubuntu and Debian, you can follow this tutorial. It provides great and extensive details on how to correctly set up Docker on Linux.

Again, to verify that Docker is correctly installed, you can run the following command.

$ docker --version
Docker version 19.03.1, build 74b1e89

Now that Docker is ready, let’s have a quick look at the networking strategy we are going to use for our containers.

Also Check: 

Designing the network strategy for InfluxDB

Before starting, it is important to have a few words about networking.

By default, containers are created to run on the bridge network stack.

By default, you will install InfluxDB, which will expose useful ports (like the 8086 one) to your current network stack.

Later on, you will bind Telegraf to it, but Telegraf does not have to expose any ports to your current host stack.

As a consequence, we can run InfluxDB on the default bridge network, and have Telegraf running in the same stack as InfluxDB.

Later on, we will add Grafana to our bridge network in order to visualize metrics gathered by Telegraf

Designing the network strategy for InfluxDB docker-bridge

Now that we have seen the network strategy we are going to use, let’s install the InfluxDB container for Docker.

To install InfluxDB on Docker, you have two ways of doing it.

You can either prepare your filesystem manually and run the InfluxDB on a Docker container with no initialization scripts.

This is the simplest way of initializing InfluxDB.

This method should be used if you plan on running InfluxDB on a single instance, if your initial InfluxDB configuration is very simple, or if you prefer to have full control over your containers.

However, there is a way to initialize InfluxDB with scripts (either bash scripts, or InfluxQL scripts).

This is the version that you should use if you are automating a lot of servers with InfluxDB (with Chef or Puppet for example), and you want to have the same initial setup on all your instances.

Installing InfluxDB 1.7.x on Docker

The official InfluxDB image for Docker is named: influxdb.

Installing InfluxDB 1.7.x on Docker influxdb-docker-hub

It is part of the Docker Official Images, so you can check that you are running an official version of InfluxDB on your system.

Moreover, the other tools of the TICK stack (Telegraf, InfluxDB, Chronograf, and Kapacitor) belong to the Docker Official Images.

The InfluxDB image is going to install the InfluxDB server responsible for storing time-series metrics on your system.

If you are familiar with Docker, you already know that you can map volumes from your local filesystem to your container in order to manipulate data easier in your container.

This is exactly what we are going to do in this tutorial.

Configuration files, as well as directories storing actual data, will be stored on our local filesystem.

a – Prepare InfluxDB 1.7.x for Docker

If you carefully followed the tutorial on setting up InfluxDB on Ubuntu, you know that you are going to create a specific user for your InfluxDB database.

$ sudo useradd -rs /bin/false influxdb

In your etc directory, create a new folder for your InfluxDB configuration files.

$ sudo mkdir -p /etc/influxdb

Creating a configuration file for InfluxDB and Docker

Luckily, you don’t have to create an InfluxDB configuration file by yourself.

To create an InfluxDB configuration file using Docker, run the following command.

docker run --rm influxdb influxd config | sudo tee /etc/influxdb/influxdb.conf > /dev/null

As a quick explanation, the “influxd config” command will print a full InfluxDB configuration file for you on the standard output (which is by default your shell)

As the –rm option is set, Docker will run a container in order to execute this command and the container will be deleted as soon as it exists.

Instead of having the configuration file printed on the standard output, it will be redirected to our InfluxDB configuration file.

Next, reassign the folder permissions for your newly created file, otherwise, your container won’t be able to interact with it properly.

$ sudo chown influxdb:influxdb /etc/influxdb/*


Creating a lib folder for InfluxDB and Docker

As stated in the documentation, InfluxDB stores its data, metadata as well as the WAL (for write-ahead log) in the /var/lib/influxdb folder by default.

As a consequence, you have to create this folder if it is not currently existing.

$ sudo mkdir -p /var/lib/influxdb

Again, make sure that the permissions are correctly set for your container to write into this folder.

$ sudo chown influxdb:influxdb /var/lib/influxdb

Creating a lib folder for InfluxDB and Docker permissions-var-lib

Now that our folders are ready, let’s see how we can initialize InfluxDB with custom scripts.

Preparing initialization scripts for InfluxDB on Docker (optional)

With the InfluxDB image, there is a way to automate database initialization on your containers.

As an example, we will instruct our Docker container to create an administrator account, a regular user account (for Telegraf), and a database with custom retention via a custom InfluxQL script.

Anatomy of the InfluxDB image

On container boot, the script is executed, it is set as the entrypoint of your Docker container.

The entry point can be executed in two ways.

You can execute the entry point script in order to launch a simple InfluxDB instance on your container.

This is for example what we have done in the previous section. We specified the configuration flag and it was used in order to set your InfluxDB server initialization.

However, there is a second way to execute the entrypoint script: by executing the init-influxdb script.

The init-influxdb script is made of two parts :

  • First, it will watch for environments variables passed to your docker command, and it will execute commands accordingly
  • Next, if you have a docker-entrypoint-initdb.d directory at the root directory of your container, it will execute either bash scripts or IQL scripts in it.

We are going to use that information to create our InfluxDB container.

First, make sure that no folders are already created in your /var/lib/influxdb folder.

$ ls -l /var/lib/influxdb
total 0

Execute the following command for the meta folder (in the influxdb folder) to be updated with the correct information.

As a reminder, we want an admin account and a regular account for Telegraf (named telegraf)

Creating initialization scripts on your host

In order for the initialization scripts to be run on initialization, they have to be mapped to the docker-entrypoint-initdb.d folder in your container.

First, create a scripts folder on your host wherever you want.

In my case, it is going to be created in /etc/influxdb.

$ sudo mkdir -p /etc/influxdb/scripts

Edit a new script file on your newly created folder, and make sure to give it a .iql extension.

$ sudo touch influxdb-init.iql


This simple initialization script will create a database for weather data, and it will assign a one-week retention policy for it.


The last step will be to prepare our meta folder for InfluxDB initialization.

Creating/updating the InfluxDB Meta Database

In order to update your meta database, run the following command

$ docker run --rm -e INFLUXDB_HTTP_AUTH_ENABLED=true \
         -e INFLUXDB_ADMIN_USER=admin \
         -e INFLUXDB_ADMIN_PASSWORD=admin123 \
         -v /var/lib/influxdb:/var/lib/influxdb \
         -v /etc/influxdb/scripts:/docker-entrypoint-initdb.d \
         influxdb /

Note: Setting the INFLUXDB_HTTP_AUTH_ENABLED to true does not mean that authentication is enabled on your InfluxDB server. Authentication is enabled in one of the next sections, this parameter is only used for the initialization script.

A couple of logs should be printed on your terminal.

If this is not the case, make sure that you specified the correct environments variables for your container.

Creating updating the InfluxDB meta database influxdb-init

If you chose to create initialization scripts for your container, you should also have a log line for it.

Creating updating the InfluxDB meta database init-scripts

As the last verification step, you can inspect your meta.db file in your meta folder to make sure that the changes were correctly written.

$ cat /var/lib/influxdb/meta/meta.db | grep one_week

Creating updating the InfluxDB meta database meta-file

Now that your InfluxDB files are prepared, let’s head over to some configuration verifications.

b – Verifying your InfluxDB configuration for Docker

If you used the configuration command detailed in the section above, you should be presented with a simple configuration file in the /etc/influxdb folder.

Open your file and verify that everything is correct.

HTTP Interface

Head over to the [http] section of your configuration and make sure that it is enabled.

Verify the bind-address that should be 8086 by default.

This is the port that you are going to use to send some commands to your InfluxDB database, like creating a database or adding a user for example.

By default, authentication and encryption are disabled. However, sections of this tutorial explain how you can set up authentication in depth.

Data, meta, and WAL configurations

By default, your configuration file should have the paths that we created in the first section, so you don’t have to change anything.

However, you should check that your paths are correct.

  dir = "/var/lib/influxdb/meta"

  dir = "/var/lib/influxdb/data"
  wal-dir = "/var/lib/influxdb/wal"

Running the InfluxDB container on Docker

We are going to use the InfluxDB image from the official Docker repositories.

As a quick reminder, you need to use the docker container run command in order to start a Docker container.

First, make sure that nothing is running on port 8086.

$ sudo netstat -tulpn | grep 8086

If you remember correctly, we configured our folders to be accessible by the InfluxDB user (belonging in the InfluxDB group).

As a consequence, we will need the user ID of the InfluxDB user in order to run our container.

To find the InfluxDB user ID, head over to the passwd file on your host and run

$ cat /etc/passwd | grep influxdb

As you can see, the user ID for my InfluxDB user is 997.

Note: The user ID will surely be different on your system, and you should modify it accordingly when running the docker command.

To start InfluxDB on Docker, run the following command.

docker run -d -p 8086:8086 --user 997:997 --name=influxdb \ 
-v /etc/influxdb/influxdb.conf:/etc/influxdb/influxdb.conf \ 
-v /var/lib/influxdb:/var/lib/influxdb \ 
influxdb \ 
-config /etc/influxdb/influxdb.conf

Testing your InfluxDB container

In order to test if your InfluxDB container is correctly running, you can check that the HTTP API is correctly enabled.

$ curl -G http://localhost:8086/query --data-urlencode "q=SHOW DATABASES"

Testing your InfluxDB container show-databases-query

You can also check that your InfluxDB server is correctly listening on port 8086 on your host.

$ netstat -tulpn | grep 8086
tcp6    0    0 :::8086      :::*       LISTEN       -


Your InfluxDB container is correctly running on Docker.

By default, your InfluxDB server does not contain any databases except for the _internal used, as its name describes, internal metrics about InfluxDB itself.

However, if you created initialization scripts for your InfluxDB database, make sure that your databases and retention policies are correctly assigned.

$ influx
Connected to http://localhost:8086 version 1.7.8
InfluxDB shell version: 1.7.7


user    admin
----    -----
admin   true

name: databases

Enabling authentication on InfluxDB for Docker

In order to enable authentication for InfluxDB 1.7.x, you are going to create an administrator account for your InfluxDB database (if you didn’t use initialization scripts)

Create an administrator account with docker exec

You don’t have to create an administrator account if you initialized your InfluxDB image with environment variables in the previous sections.

This is only necessary if you choose a fully customized InfluxDB image that you configure yourself.

To create an administrator account, connect to a bash process in your container and run the influx utility by yourself.

To achieve that, run the following commands

$ docker container ls

Create an administrator account with docker exec docker-container-ls

Note: Your container is not appearing here? Run this command with the -a (for all) flag to make sure that your container hasn’t crashed.

Identify the container ID of your InfluxDB container, and run the following command to have a bash in your container.

$ docker exec -it <container_id> /bin/bash

As a reminder, the docker exec is used in order to run a command in a running container.

Here are the options specified with it :

  • -i: for interactive, it will keep the standard input open even if not attached
  • -t: to allocate a pseudo-TTY to your current shell environment.

Right now, you should have a shell prompt, similar to this :


In your container, run the influx utility to create your administrator account.

$ influx
Connected to http://localhost:8086 version 1.7.8
InfluxDB shell version: 1.7.8
user  admin
----  -----
admin true

Now that you have an administrator account, you can enable HTTP authentication for your database.

Enable HTTP Authentication in your configuration file

To achieve that, exit your container, and head to the configuration folder you created for InfluxDB.

Ctrl + D (to exit your container)

$ sudo nano /etc/influxdb/influxdb.conf

  enabled = true
  bind-address = ":8086"
  auth-enabled = true

Save your file and restart your container for the changes to be applied.

$ docker container restart <container_id>

To make sure that your changes are effective, try querying the HTTP API again.

You should be unable to execute a query without specifying the correct credentials.

$ curl -G http://localhost:8086/query --data-urlencode "q=SHOW DATABASES"
{"error":"unable to parse authentication credentials"}


Authentication is correctly enabled.

Let’s try to execute the InfluxQL query again with the correct credentials.

$ curl -G -u admin:admin123 http://localhost:8086/query --data-urlencode "q=SHOW DATABASES"


With this curl command, we made sure that our credentials were correctly set up for our InfluxDB server.

Now that your time-series database is up and running, it is time to install our metrics collection agent: Telegraf.

Installing Telegraf on Docker

For those who are not familiar with Telegraf, Telegraf is a plugin-driven agent that periodically collects metrics about a variety of different systems.

The metrics are pushed to InfluxDB and they can be later on analyzed in Chronograf or Grafana.

Luckily, Telegraf also belongs to the official Docker images.

Installing Telegraf on Docker telegraf-docker-huyb

In this section, we are going to configure Telegraf for it to gather system metrics on our Linux host (in this case, a Debian 10, but it works in the same way for Ubuntu-based ones)

Prepare Telegraf for InfluxDB and Docker

Likewise to our InfluxDB setup, we are going to create a Telegraf user for our host. It ensures that correct permissions are set for our future configuration files.

$ sudo useradd -rs /bin/false telegraf

In your etc directory, create a new folder for your Telegraf configuration files.

$ sudo mkdir -p /etc/telegraf

Creating a configuration file for Telegraf and Docker

Again, we don’t have to create a Telegraf configuration file by ourselves.

The Telegraf Docker image is built very close to the InfluxDB one.

As a consequence, it is able to run a simple telegraf config command to generate a configuration on the fly.

By default, the Telegraf configuration file has the following defaults:

  • interval: 10 seconds. Telegraf is going to gather and send metrics to InfluxDB every 10 seconds.
  • round_interval: true. The agent is going to collect metrics on :00, :10, or :(00 + n*interval)
  • The InfluxDB output plugin is enabled by default.
  • The CPUdiskdiskiokernelmemoryprocessesswap, and system inputs plugins are enabled. As those inputs use the /proc mountpoint to gather metrics, we will have to remap volumes on the container.

To create a Telegraf configuration file using Docker, run the following command.

docker run --rm telegraf telegraf config | sudo tee /etc/telegraf/telegraf.conf > /dev/null

Creating a configuration file for Telegraf and Docker telegraf-config

Next, reassign the correct permissions to your Telegraf configuration folder.

This will ensure that only Telegraf itself and the root account are able to write to the configuration file.

$ sudo chown telegraf:telegraf /etc/telegraf/*

Modify your Telegraf configuration file

With Telegraf, most of the time, you will want to send metrics directly to InfluxDB itself.

This is why the InfluxDB output is enabled by default in your Telegraf configuration file.

By default, Telegraf will send metrics to a database named “telegraf” on InfluxDB.

This is a customizable parameter, however in this case we are only going to specify the InfluxDB authentication parameters.

Edit your Telegraf configuration file, and locate the [[outputs.influxdb]] section.

Modify your Telegraf configuration file outputs-influxbd

In this configuration file, locate the “HTTP Basic Auth” section and modify the credentials accordingly.

## HTTP Basic Auth
username = "admin"
password = "admin123"

You are of course free to create a dedicated administrator account for Telegraf by using the method we described above (using docker exec)

Save and exit your file, now it is time to run the container.

Running the Telegraf container on Docker

As stated before, Telegraf enables system inputs by default.

As a consequence, we will have to remap the /proc host folder to the /host folder on our Docker image.

This is made to ensure that Telegraf is not gathering metrics from the Docker container itself and that the container filesystem is not altered in any way.

To achieve this, unless you gave a name to your InfluxDB container, run this command to get your InfluxDB container ID.

It will be used to connect Telegraf and InfluxDB to the same virtual network.

$ docker container ls | grep influxdb
1939ba611410   influxdb   "/ -conf..."   24 minutes ago    Up 30 minutes>8086/tcp    ecstatic_moore

Isolate your Telegraf user ID by running the following command.

$ getent passwd | grep telegraf

Next, to run the Telegraf Docker image, run the following command.

$ docker run -d --user 998:998 --name=telegraf \
      --net=container:<influx_container_id> \
      -e HOST_PROC=/host/proc \
      -v /proc:/host/proc:ro \
      -v /etc/telegraf/telegraf.conf:/etc/telegraf/telegraf.conf:ro \

Note: The net option can be replaced by –net=influxdb if you chose to create your InfluxDB container with a name.


To make sure your Telegraf instance is running correctly, run the following command.

$ docker container logs -f --since 10m telegraf


Telegraf seems no to raise any error messages, but let’s double-check the correctness of our setup by inspecting the InfluxDB database.

$ docker exec -it <container_id> influx -username admin -password admin123

InfluxDB shell version 1.7.8

name: databases

> USE telegraf
> SELECT * FROM cpu WHERE time < now() - 1m

If you are seeing data points, congratulations!

Your Telegraf instance is correctly sending metrics to your InfluxDB server.


Now that all metrics are stored in Telegraf, for one week, we can install a modern dashboarding tool in order to visualize them: Grafana.

Visualizing Telegraf metrics in Grafana

For those who are unfamiliar with Grafana, Grafana is a dashboarding tool that binds to a wide variety of different datasources in order to create beautiful graphs.

It can bind to traditional SQL databases, but it can also bind to time series databases, which is what we are going to do in this section.

Installing Grafana on Docker

The Grafana docker image is stored under the Grafana repository.

Installing Grafana on Docker grafana-image

To create a Grafana container, run the following command on your host.

$ docker run -d --name=grafana -p 3000:3000 grafana/grafana

A Grafana server container should now be up and running on your host. To make sure of it, run the following command.

$ docker container ls | grep grafana

You can also make sure that it is correctly listening on port 3000.

$ netstat -tulpn | grep 3000

Configuring Grafana for InfluxDB

With your web browser, head over to

You should be redirected to the Grafana home page.

The default credentials for Grafana are admin/admin.

Immediately, you are asked to change your password. Choose a strong password and click on “Save

Configuring Grafana for InfluxDB grafana-default-pass

You should now be redirected to the Grafana default Web UI.

Configuring Grafana for InfluxDB add-datasource

Click on “Add data source” to add an InfluxDB datasource.

Configuring Grafana for InfluxDB influxdb-datasource

Next, select the InfluxDB option and click on “Select“.

For this tutorial, we are not using InfluxDB images as Docker services. As a consequence, we have to isolate InfluxDB public IP on our bridge network.

To do that, run the following command

$ docker network inspect bridge | grep influxdb -A 5
"Name": "influxdb",
"EndpointID": "7e4eb0574a346687efbb96b6b45",
"MacAddress": "02:42:ac:11:00:04",
"IPv4Address": "",
"IPv6Address": ""

Copy the IPv4 address and paste it into the InfluxDB configuration for Grafana.

Select the Basic Auth option, specify your administrator credentials, and fill in the details about your InfluxDB database.

Here is the final configuration.

Click on “Save and Test” to make sure that your configuration is working properly.


Now that everything is set up in Grafana, let’s import a dashboard designed for Telegraf host metrics.

Importing a Grafana dashboard

To import a Grafana dashboard, select the “Plus” icon in the left menu, and click on “Import“.

Importing a Grafana dashboard grafana-import

In the import text box, put 1443 as a dashboard ID.

Importing a Grafana dashboard id-1443

In the next window, make sure that the information is correct and bind it to your newly created datasource.

Importing a Grafana dashboard import-dashboard-grafana

Click on “Import” and your dashboard should be up and running!

Importing a Grafana dashboard final-dashboard

Do Check Some Other Grafana Tutorials from here: 

How to setup telegraph, influxdb, and grafana with Docker compose?


Congratulations, you learned how to install InfluxDB 1.7.x, Telegraf and Grafana using Docker.

As you can realize that this tutorial concentrates on a fully customizable installation of your images. In case you want to automate your container setups, it might be a good idea to use docker-compose.

Furthermore, ensure to read through the entire list of Telegraf input plugins to start getting ideas about what to monitor. Until then, have fun & enjoy the work with discovering our docker tutorials, as always.

How to Connect Git to Github?

In this article we will see the process to connect git to GitHub.

How to Connect Git to Github?

Github is a very popular version control system. We can use it to store our local git commits and access them anywhere with an internet connection.

To push a repo to github

  • Visit
  • Login with your credentials
  • Click the new repository button which will bring you to a page like this

How to Connect Git to Github_Pic1

  • After filling in the required fields create the repository
  • Now click “Push an existing repository”
  • In the git terminal on your machine
    $ git remote add origin

$ git remote add origin

  • Enter your password then set the branch to main
    $ git branch -M main

● Enter your password then set the branch to main $ git branch -M main

  • Push the branch

        $ git push -u origin master

How to connect git to Github

  • After successful pushing, we will have

Git Discarding Local Changes & Skipping the Staging Area

In this article we will see how to discard local changes and how to skip the staging area.

Git Discarding Local Changes & Skipping the Staging Area

We will learn 2 things in this article

  1. Discard local changes
  2. Skip staging area

So let’s see one by one.

Discard Local Changes:

Some time we might need to discard the changes and go back to the previous version of the code. To do that we will create a new file and commit.

$ cat>file_name 

Use the above command to create a file and add some text to it. After we are done, use ctrl+S to save it.

Git Discarding Local Changes & Skipping the Staging Area_One

Content in the file. (Opened new_file.txt)

Git Discarding Local Changes & Skipping the Staging Area_Two

Now commit the changes using

 $ git commit -am

Git Discarding Local Changes & Skipping the Staging Area_Three

Let’s remove and add some other lines to the txt file.

Git Discarding Local Changes & Skipping the Staging Area_Four

Now we can see the changes using

$ git status -s

We can see that there are some changes made to the file we created.

Now we want to restore this file to its previous version(where it was empty). To do so we need to use the command

$ git restore file_name
Git Discarding Local Changes & Skipping the Staging Area_Five

This should restore our file back. Now when we check the status again

$ git status -s

To confirm let’s see the text file contentsGit Discarding Local Changes & Skipping the Staging Area_Six

Skip staging area:

Staging area is the place where all modified files are shown. That is why it is not advisable to skip the staging area but if you are sure that there are no unnecessary files you can skip them.

Normally we would add the files to the staging area using

$ git add

Git Discarding Local Changes & Skipping the Staging Area_Seven

And then we commit the changes using

$ git commitGit Discarding Local Changes & Skipping the Staging Area_EightHowever to skip the staging area we can do it by directly committing

Use the command

$ git commit -a

This will push all the files

To add the message use the command

$ git commit -am “message” Git Discarding Local Changes & Skipping the Staging Area_Nine

How To List Git Tags

How To List Git Tags | How to Check List of Tags in Git? | Process to List Local & Remote Tags in Git

In Git Repository, tags can be listed by using the Git Commands ie., ‘git tag’. Whenever you want to work with the list tags in git first make sure that the latest list from the remote repository has been fetched or not. Users require the git list tags of the repository to discover the needed commit point.

You can find different ways to obtain the list of git tags of the local and remote repository. In this tutorial, we have compiled various ways to find out the list git tags on your repository easily.

How to List All Tags in Git?

If you want to list all available tags in a project then make use of the git tag command (keep in mind that they will appear in alphabetical order):

$ git tag

This method of listing git tags is excellent for small projects, but bigger projects can have hundreds of tags, so you should require to filter them when searching for an important point in history. You can obtain tags including specific characters by adding an -l to the git tag command:

$ git tag -l "v2.0*"

Must View: How To Delete Local and Remote Tags on Git

List Local Git Tags

In order to list Git tags, you have to use the “git tag” command with no arguments.

$ git tag


You can also execute “git tag” with the “-n” option in order to have an extensive description of your tag list.

$ git tag -n

List Local Git Tags git-tag-n

Optionally, you can choose to specify a tag pattern with the “-l” option followed by the tag pattern.

$ git tag -l <pattern>

List Local Git Tags git-tag

Awesome, you have successfully listed tags on your Git repository!

List Remote Git Tags

As you already know, Git is a decentralized versioning system. As a result, you may have not fetched some tags that have been made available by other developers on your repository.

In order to list remote Git tags, you have to use the “git ls-remote” command with the “–tags” option and the name of your remote repository.

$ git ls-remote --tags <remote>

For example, if your remote name is “origin”, you will have to execute the following command.

$ git ls-remote --tags origin

53a7dcf1ca57e05d456321b406730b39dc8ed75e        refs/tags/v1.0
7a9ad7fd794bf52a11de43aacc6010978e6100d3        refs/tags/v2.0

Note: As you can see, by using the “ls-remote” command, you are presented with tags using the “refs” syntax that was already explained in our previous tutorials.

List and Sort Git Tags

Additionally, you can choose to list your tags and sort them following a lexical or a version sorting.

In order to list Git tags following a lexicographic order, you have to use the “git tag” command with the “–sort=refname” option and an additional tag pattern.

$ git tag -l --sort=refname <pattern>

List and Sort Git Tags git-tag-sort

Sorting by refname is not the only way of sorting Git tags.

You can also choose to sort your tags by versions: this way, your tag names will be treated as version numbers.

In order to list Git tags sorted by version numbers, you have to use the “git tag” command with the “–sort=version:refname” option and an additional tag pattern.

$ git tag -l --sort=-version:refname <pattern>

List and Sort Git Tags git-tag-2

Sorting most recent Git tags

In order to list and sort Git tags by their latest Git activity, you can use the “git tag” command with the “–sort=committerdate”.

$ git tag --sort=committerdate -l <pattern>

Sorting most recents Git tags committer

Congratulations, you successfully sorted your Git tags using the sort options!

Fetching Remote Tags Easily

Now that you know that some tags are available remotely, you may want to fetch your tags in order to list them locally.

To fetch tags from your remote repository, use “git fetch” with the “–all” and the “–tags” options.

$ git fetch --all --tags

Fetching origin
From git-repository
   53a7dc..7a9ad7    master     -> origin/master
 * [new tag]         v1.0       -> v1.0
 * [new tag]         v1.0       -> v2.0

Awesome, you fetched your tags from your distant repository!

Now, you can list them easily using the “git tag” command (with no arguments!)

$ git tag


Find Latest Git Tag Available

In order to find the latest Git tag available on your repository, you have to use the “git describe” command with the “–tags” option.

This way, you will be presented with the tag that is associated with the latest commit of your current checked-out branch.

$ git describe



From this tutorial, you discovered how you can easily list your Git tags, whether they are local or remote.

You also learned that you can use advanced sorting options in order to have your results sorted by recent date or version number.

We have other tutorials on Git tags, make sure to have a read:

How to Create a Git Repo?

In this article we are going to see how we can create a git repo.

How to Create a Git Repo?

There can be two cases while creating a git repo.

  1. Creating a new repo from scratch
  2. Creating a repo from an existing directory

To create a new repo from scratch follow the below steps-

  • Create a new directory from the menu or by using the command.
    $ mkdir dir_name

This will create a directory in the working folder with the name specified.

How to Create Git Repo_Pic1

  • Navigate into the new directory using the command
    $ cd dir_name

How to Create Git Repo_Pic2.png

  • Now to create a repo use the command
    $ git init

How to Create Git Repo_Pic3.png

This will create a git repo in that directory. From there you can add files to the git repo.

  • After adding your files commit by the command
     $ git commit

How to Create Git Repo_Pic4

Now, to create a repo for a pre-existing project,

  • Navigate into the directory using cd command
  • Now to create the repo use the command
    $ git init
  • Add the files to the repo using
    $ git add
  • Commit the changes using
    $ git commit
InfluxDays London Recap

InfluxDays London 2021 Recap | Key Facts of InfluxDays London 2021

InfluxDays London is an annual convention held by InfluxData on the 13th and 14th of June 2019, where you get to know some general insights into the recent developments of the company and the industry by InfluxDays.

Not only recent development insights but also highlights various guest speakers whose feedbacks simply regarding real-world use cases and reality checks. In 2019, this convention was hosted in Brewery, London. This was specialized in hosting corporate venues in the Finsbury district of London.

InfluxDays London 2019 Recap

InfluxDays London 2019 Recap what_we_do


Given the very fast pace of changes in the industry with new languages, new APIs, new partnerships, and a complete shift from 1.x to 2.x, expectations were high.

I wanted to have an appropriate section for the recent industry collaborations and a community chapter to end this recap.

So, in this tutorial, you will be going to have an entire look at all the latest & innovative features declared for the future of InfluxDB. Also, you guys can keep your eye on What are the key facts that were announced and what’s in the future for developers? from here.

Without wasting another single minute, let’s check out some key facts of InfluxDays London 2021 Recap prevailing below:

I – From InfluxDB 1.x to InfluxDB 2.x

If you have been working with InfluxDB for quite some time, you already know about the TICK stack, composed of Telegraf, InfluxDB, Chronograf, and Kapacitor.

All those components cover a very specific use case, whether it is about visualization with Chronograf, stream processing and analysis with Kapacitor, or metrics gathering using Telegraf.

However, some of those components showed some limitations, in addition to the inability of InfluxQL to scale up besides being a great ramp for the platform at the beginning.

That’s the reason why InfluxData invested in InfluxDB 2.0, unveiling the Flux language and revamping the whole platform thus inherently putting an end to the TICK stack as we used to know it.

The announcements made in InfluxDays London confirmed the transition.

a – InfluxDB as a single platform

Influx is much more than just InfluxDB. Even if the product is called InfluxDB 2.0, the single UI platform that InfluxData is building is doing way more than that.

Right now, Chronograf is integrated directly into the InfluxDB 2.0 platform. You have a real coexistence of the two products and you don’t have to rely on two different products to visualize data anymore.

a – InfluxDB as a single platform InfluxDB-2.0-GREY

As you can see, InfluxDB is stated to be a time series database visualization (Chronograf aspect of it), query, and task engine (tasks will be explained a little bit later).

Having a single platform for everything is interesting.

Developers are often hesitant about installing many different tools as it means that it will create maintenance costs for every single tool in the stack.

With two different products and Telegraf remaining an entity on its own, the data visualization and manipulation are done in a single place.



Having a single platform for pretty much everything is definitely interesting.

It is definitely a great UI/UX challenge as it can be hard to design tools that are functionally that ambitious.

However, from the live demonstrations that I saw on Friday (the workshop day), the process seems smooth enough.

InfluxData definitely delivers on the “Time To Awesome” feature. Besides being a great marketing catchword, it is actually reinforced by the predefined templates (for your system, a Docker or a Kubernetes instance) that can create a complete dashboard in seconds.



InfluxDB 2.0 documentation

InfluxDB 2.0 Announcements and Future Ahead – by Paul Dix

b – Emphasis on Flux

As stated before, Flux is a new data scripting and query language built by InfluxData.


Flux comes as a replacement of InfluxQL and provides an API, built on the concepts of piping, i.e sequencing, operations in order to manipulate data. You can for example send data to third-party services, pivot it or perform join operations on it.

For those interested, I wrote an article on the difference between Flux and SQL.

But Flux isn’t only a language. It has also a query plannera query optimizer as well as a CLI (or a REPL) that one can use in order to directly test Flux functions.

The major evolution here is that Flux is seen as a first-class citizen, and not a subpart of InfluxDB itself.

In a way, Flux should exist on its own.

InfluxData, via its CEO voice Paul Dix, clearly stated that they want Flux to integrate with other systems and that other languages might be transpiled to Flux in the future.

Maybe we could see an efficient transpilation from SQL to Flux in the future? Opinions diverge.



For those following the blog, you know that I advocate technologies that are designed to reach the widest possible audience. Languages should not be created for elite programmers especially when they are aimed at data manipulation and analysis.

Flux is definitely designed that way.

With an expressive API, that one can easily understand, it should not be too hard for non-tech people to manipulate it and bring value easily.

Even if Flux is theoretically impressive, and well documented, I believe that its potential will be confirmed by real use cases and popularized by developers becoming way more productive than with other languages.

c – Tasks

In short, tasks are scheduled jobs that one can run in order to manipulate, transform or transfer data.

They can be seen as cron jobs following a very special syntax close to JSON.


The goal here is to have small units that perform tasks on their own.

The task contains Flux scripts and should be composable to perform multiple operations.

Administrators are able to create tasks templates that can be used by all the users afterward. I believe this is a great point when you want to reuse some of the work you have done previously.

Tasks can be managed via the InfluxDB UI, the CLI, and with the new API that InfluxData is building very specifically for tasks.

This API will provide a set of endpoints (such as /create or /delete) for you to easily perform some administrative operations on your tasks.

Tasks are versioned, so you could theoretically go back to a specific version if your new task isn’t satisfying enough.

Finally, you have tasks runs and tasks logs directly in the interface to see when your task was run and if it was run successfully.

What about alerts and notifications?

Alerts and notifications channels are still a very big part of InfluxDB 2.0. Special APIs were created for alerts and notifications and you should theoretically be able to create, modify or delete alert rules easily.


In my opinion, the real challenge with tasks is about defining the best practices around them.

Having tasks that perform small operations is interesting for debugging purposes. Also, with runs and logs, you can have feedback on how your actions perform.

However, having small and independent units can lead to a very large pool of tasks to maintain, as well as code duplication probably leading to bug duplication.

There is a big challenge for developers to create an efficient data flow that is not too convoluted. Tasks are probably easy to create, but they should not be seen as the ultimate option to perform every single operation on your database.

For example, do you find tasks adapted for data cleansing? Wouldn’t it be more adapted to perform it before inserting your data into the platform?

Do’s and don’ts will definitely be needed.

d – Giraffe and Clockface

d – Giraffe and Clockface chronograf

Giraffe and Clockface are two products that were announced in InfluxDays 2021 London.

Right now, InfluxDB 2.0 provides a wide panel of visualizations for your metrics.

Graphs, scatter plots, single stats, histograms, and many more are provided by default in the interface.

However, InfluxData wants developers to be able to build their own visualizations.

Following the recent moves made by Grafana, moving from Angular panels to React panels, InfluxData created two libraries that allow developers to build their own panels and share them.


Giraffe is a library that is leveraging React components to provide a complete API for developers to use.

Pretty much like Grafana plugins, we can imagine that InfluxData is going to build a place for people to share their panels.

For now, the library is still in the pre-alpha stage, but I’ll share more info about it as soon as it becomes available to the public.


At first, I had some trouble understanding the actual difference between Giraffe and Clockface.

Giraffe is designed for Chronograf-like panels and Clockface is designed to build visualization applications.

In short, it allows you to tweak the existing interface to add actions that are not existing natively in the platform.

Let’s say that you want to create a button on InfluxDB 2.0 that hides a certain panel that you find not that useful.

You would do it using Clockface, creating a button, and performing some Javascript operations to hide the panel.

e – User Packages

User packages are another big part of the next features of InfluxDB 2.0. Pretty much like NPM packages, Influx packages are meant to allow developments of any kind of logic into the platform without having to perform a pull request.

Proposals were made for interacting with Influx packages, such as a CLI with custom functions such as:

> influx package init
> influx package publish

You can define types and rules inside a configuration file that is very similar to a package.json file in Node ecosystems.

Warning: Influx user packages are different from Flux packages.

Flux packages are used to import Flux functions that were already coded and that you would want to use in a new Flux

e – User Packages influx1 e – User Packages influx2 e – User Packages influx3

II – Recent Industry Collaborations

In this industry, I believe that collaboration is one of the ways to succeed.

Most of the existing products (at least Grafana, InfluxDB, and Prometheus) are working towards improving the interoperability of their respective products.

What do we mean by interoperability?

Even if those tools are not accepting the same metrics format, and not dealing with the same APIs, there is a work in progress in accepting various different formats in InfluxDB.

a – Grafana

Even if InfluxDB 2.0 definitely intersects some of the features of Grafana, Grafana still provides new ways to monitor your InfluxDB metrics.

Both InfluxDB and Grafana are working on data exploration features.

Grafana wants to become an observability platform. It means that Grafana can be used to monitor real-time data, but it also can be used to have a closer look at certain metrics, and even compare them with metrics from other buckets or databases.

b – Prometheus & Flux Transpilation

b – Prometheus & Flux Transpilation prom

We know that Prometheus and Flux work quite differently when it comes to data querying.

As a reminder, I explained how Prometheus querying via PromQL worked in my Prometheus guide.

One of the news that was unveiled at InfluxDays London 2021 was the transpiling work done from Prometheus to Flux.

The goal of this project is to have InfluxDB as long-term storage for Prometheus. Prometheus queries would be run against this transpiler to produce Flux code.

Flux code would then be interpreted by the dedicated Flux interpreter and run on the Flux engine.

Julius Volz revealed his advancements on this project, explaining how he designed the data mapper (with metric names as fields, the measurement being ‘Prometheus’, label names being column names, and so on).

He also explained how he used abstract syntax trees to map PromQL functions to a Flux pipeline.

Remarks: there are still some concerns regarding the speed performances of the transpiling process.

InfluxData and Prometheus are working on a way to make joint operations more efficient, thus inducing faster transpiling operations.

Do Check Related Articles on Grafana & Prometheus: 

III – Real World Use Cases

During InfluxDays London, many of the talks were done by guest speakers. Guests came from very different industries and showcased on they used InfluxDB for their own needs.

This is in my opinion the most interesting part of the convention, as it featured many different use cases that highlighted how InfluxDB is solving problems in the real world.

a – Playtech

a – Playtech atavgen a – Playtech sotellme a – Playtech spaghetti

This talk was presented by Alex Tavgen, technical architect for Playtech which is a popular gambling software development company.

Alex Tavgen unveiled his views on architecture monitoring solutions and provided very concrete examples of how they should be designed.

His talk was centered around the following points :

  • “Managing a zoo” is hard: when developers are free to choose their stacks, it often leads to having teams with many different stacks which leads to obvious maintenance issues;
  • Abusive use of dashboards: it is tempting to record everything, just in case. More is not better in monitoring, and metrics should not be monitored for the sake of it. We need to bring actual sense in monitoring;
  • Are dashboards useless? No, but humans need to know what they have to look for in a dashboard. Dashboarding needs guidance and documentation;
  • Anomaly detection to preserve client trust: you should tell the client that he has an issue, and not the other way around. Many investments were made to improve actual anomaly detection, not just outlier detection. Alex Tavgen explained how he used machine learning to create a predictive engine that raises alerts when it truly matters. (they also plan to open source their Java engine).

b – Worldsensing

b – Worldsensing worldsensing b – Worldsensing worldsensing2 b – Worldsensing worldsensing3

This talk was presented by Albert Zaragoza, CTO and Head of Engineering at WorldSensing.Worldsensing is a company that provides monitoring solutions and intelligent components, leveraging IoT and time series databases to build smart cities. They provide intelligent parking solutions, as well as traffic flow solutions among other products.

Worldsensing produces client-facing applications, providing real-time feedback with extensive use of monitoring dashboards. As part of their infrastructure, Worldsensing uses Kapacitor and Flux in order to provide fast and reliable information to their end clients.

I will provide a link to the video as soon as it is available. However, if you use Postgres databases or if you are interested in providing Spatio-temporal feedback to your clients, you should definitely check what they are doing at Worldsensing.

IV – Community

InfluxDays London 2021 was also a great moment for us to talk and share our experiences with InfluxDB and the other products of its ecosystem.

a – InfluxAces

InfluxAces share their knowledge in a variety of ways, online and offline, through blogging, podcasting, attending meetups, answering community questions, building courses.. the list goes on!

And I am part of them now! Thank you!

a – InfluxAces a – InfluxAces mycard a – InfluxAces aces

As part of the InfluxAces program, I want to encourage creators and builders to submit their original articles to us as long as it is related to the subjects detailed in the article, and of course to InfluxDB.On my side, I will keep on writing about those technologies because I believe that they will shape the world of tomorrow.

b – Community Links

Meetups and conventions are great to connect with people. But they are not the only way to do it.

If you are interested in InfluxDB, you should:

  • Join the Slack community available here.
  • Ask your questions in the community forum (and have your questions answered by MarcV)
  • Tweet to or about InfluxDB on Twitter.

A Closing Word

On a technological level, it was truly inspiring to see how fast those technologies change and evolve in such a short amount of time.

The progress made so far is huge and it looks very promising for the future.

At InfluxDays London, I was lucky to be able to connect with passionate and humble people from all over the world. I was able to share my views on the future and to listen to what the others had to say about it.

Sure, I learned more about InfluxDB, but I learned even more about the people behind the scenes, whether they are working for InfluxData or not.

Engineers, developers, managers, or just curious individuals, all share the same ambition to create, learn and give back to the community.

The open-source community is definitely an amazing community.

See you next year!

How To Install and Configure Debian 10 Buster with GNOME

How To Install and Configure Debian 10 Buster with GNOME

Do you need an ultimate Guide to Install and Configure Debian 10 Buster with GNOME? This tutorial is the best option for you. Here, we have provided step-by-step instructions about how to install Debian 10 Buster with a GNOME desktop. Just have a look at the features of the Debian 10 before entering to discuss how to install and configure it using GNOME.

What is Debian?

Debian is an operating system for a wide range of devices including laptops, desktops, and servers. The developers of Debian will provide the security updates for all packages for almost of their lifetime. The current stable distribution of Debian is version 10, codenamed buster. Check out the features of the current version of the buster from the below modules.

Features of Debian 10 Buster

Initially, it was released on the 6th of July 2019, and it has come with a lot of very great features for system administrators. Have a look at them:

  • JDK update from the OpenJDK 8.0 to the new OpenJDK 11.0 version.
  • Debian 10 is now using version 3.30 of GNOME, featuring an increased desktop performance, screen sharing, and improved ways to remotely connect to Windows hosts.
  • Secure boot is now enabled by default, which means that you don’t have to disable it when trying to install Debian 10 on your machine.
  • Upgrade to Bash 5.0 essentially providing more variables for sysadmins to play with (EPOCHSECONDS or EPOCHREALTIME for example).
  • A lot of software updates: Apache 2.4.38, systemd 241, Vim 8.1, Python 3 3.7.2, and many more.
  • IPtables is being replaced by NFtables, providing an easier syntax and a more efficient way to handle your firewall rules.

After referring to these above points, you know what’s available in the brand new Debian 10 buster distribution, now it’s time for installation and configuration of Debian 10.

Do Check: How To Install InfluxDB on Windows

Suggested System Requirements for Debian 10

  • 2 GB RAM
  • 2 GHz Dual Core Processor
  • 10 GB Free Hard disk space
  • Bootable Installation Media (USB/ DVD)
  • Internet connectivity (Optional)

Now, dive into the installation & configuration steps of Debian 10 Buster

How to Install and Configure Debian 10 with GNOME?

The following are the detailed steps to install and configure the current version of Debian 10 using GNOME:

Steps to Create a Bootable USB stick on Linux

In order to install Debian 10 buster, you need to “flash” an ISO image to a USB stick, making it “bootable“.

The Debian 10 buster image is about 2 GB in size (if you choose to have a desktop environment with it), so I would recommend that you choose a USB drive that is at least 3GB large or more.

If you don’t have a USB drive that large, you can opt for minimal versions of Debian 10 Buster.

I – Create a Bootable USB stick on Linux

In my home setup, I have a Xubuntu 18.04 instance, so this is what I will use to create my bootable image.

Steps are pretty much the same for other distributions. For Windows, you would need to use Rufus to create a bootable image.

a – Plug your USB stick in the USB port

Within a couple of seconds, the operating system should automatically mount your USB drive in your filesystem (it should be mounted at the /media mount point by default).

How To Install and Configure Debian 10 Buster with GNOME volume-mounted

b – Identify where your USB drive is mounted

To get the mount point of your USB drive, you can use the lsblk command.

How To Install and Configure Debian 10 Buster with GNOME lsblk-1

As you can see, my USB drive is named “sdb”, it has one partition (part) named “sdb1” and it is mounted on “/media/antoine/7830-961F”.

Alternatively, you could use the df command to have some information about the remaining space on your USB drive.

How To Install and Configure Debian 10 Buster with GNOME df-ht

c – Download Debian 10 Buster ISO file

Your USB is ready, now you can download the ISO file to flash your drive.

The distribution images are located here. For this tutorial, I am using the Debian 10 Buster GNOME edition for amd64 processors.

If you are more familiar with another environment like Cinnamon or KDE, they are all available in the downloads page.

Run a simple wget command on any folder that you want (my home folder in this case)

$ wget

If you need a more minimal distribution, you can go for the netinst version, but desktop environments might not be included.

$ wget<

How To Install and Configure Debian 10 Buster with GNOME wget

d – Copy the image to your USB drive

To copy the image, we are going to use the dd command.

$ sudo dd if=/home/antoine/debian-live-10.0.0-amd64-gnome.iso of=/dev/sdb && sync

e – Boot on the USB drive

Now that your USB drive contains the ISO file, it is time for you to boot from it.

On most configurations, you should be able to boot on the USB by pressing ESC, F1, F2, or F8 when starting your computer.

Follow the Debian 10 Graphical Installation Steps

This is the screen that you should see once you successfully booted on the Debian 10 installer.

Select the “Graphical Debian Installer” option.

How To Install and Configure Debian 10 Buster with GNOME step-1First, you are asked to select a language.

I’ll go for English for this one.

How To Install and Configure Debian 10 Buster with GNOME step-2

On the next screen, you are asked to select a location.

I’ll pick the United States as an example.

How To Install and Configure Debian 10 Buster with GNOME step-3

Then, choose your keyboard layout. (don’t worry, you can change it later on if you want).

I’ll go for American English for this example.

How To Install and Configure Debian 10 Buster with GNOME step-3

From there, a couple of automatic checks are done within your installation.

Debian 10 will try to load additional components from the bootable device and it will perform some automatic network checks.

How To Install and Configure Debian 10 Buster with GNOME step-5

After the checks, you are asked to set a hostname for your computer.

As indicated, this is the name that will be used to identify your computer on a network.

I’ll go for “Debian-10” in this case.
How To Install and Configure Debian 10 Buster with GNOME step-7
You are asked to configure the domain name for your host. You can leave this option blank.
How To Install and Configure Debian 10 Buster with GNOME step-8

Be careful on the next step, there is a little bit of a gotcha when it comes to root passwords.

You want to leave this option blank.

As a consequence, Debian will use the password of the user you will create in the next step to perform sudo operations.

Moreover, the root account will be disabled which is interesting for security purposes.

Nonetheless, if you want to specify a specific password for root, you can do it here, but I wouldn’t recommend it.

How To Install and Configure Debian 10 Buster with GNOME step-9
Click continue, and now it is time for you to specify the real name for the user.

I’ll go for JunosNotes but feel free to mention your real name and first name.

How To Install and Configure Debian 10 Buster with GNOME step-10

Then, you have to choose a username for your host.

JunoNotes will do the trick for me.

How To Install and Configure Debian 10 Buster with GNOME step-11

Then, choose a very secure password for your host.

How To Install and Configure Debian 10 Buster with GNOME step-12

Choose a time zone for your host.

Be careful on this point as time zones are very important when it comes to logging for example.

How To Install and Configure Debian 10 Buster with GNOME step-13

From there, Debian 10 Buster will start detecting disks on your host.

How To Install and Configure Debian 10 Buster with GNOME step-14

After it is done, you will be asked for a way to partition your disks.

Go for the Guided (use entire disk) version unless you have special requirements that need to set up LVM.

How To Install and Configure Debian 10 Buster with GNOME step-15

Select the disk you want to partition.

In my case, I have only one disk on the system, so I’ll pick it.

How To Install and Configure Debian 10 Buster with GNOME step-16

For the partitioning scheme, go for “All files in one partition“, which should suit your needs.

How To Install and Configure Debian 10 Buster with GNOME step-17

For the automatic partitioning, Debian 10 creates two partitions, a primary and a swap one (when you run out of memory!)

How To Install and Configure Debian 10 Buster with GNOME step-19

If you are happy with the partitioning, simply press the “Finish partitioning and write changes to disk” option.

On the next screen, you are asked for confirmation about the previous partitioning.

Simply check “Yes” on the two options prompted.

How To Install and Configure Debian 10 Buster with GNOME step-20

From there, the installation should begin on your system.

How To Install and Configure Debian 10 Buster with GNOME step-21 How To Install and Configure Debian 10 Buster with GNOME step-22

On the next step, you have prompted the choice to use a network mirror to supplement the software included in the USB drive.

You want to press “Yes

How To Install and Configure Debian 10 Buster with GNOME step-23

By pressing “Yes”, you are asked to choose a location that is close to your network. I’ll use the United States in this case.

How To Install and Configure Debian 10 Buster with GNOME step-24

Then, choose a Debian archive mirror for your distribution.

I’ll stick with the one.

How To Install and Configure Debian 10 Buster with GNOME step-25

If you are using a proxy, this is where you want to configure it. I am not using one, so I’ll leave it blank.

How To Install and Configure Debian 10 Buster with GNOME step-26

Debian 10 Buster will start configuring apt and will try to install the GRUB boot loader on your instance.

How To Install and Configure Debian 10 Buster with GNOME step-27 How To Install and Configure Debian 10 Buster with GNOME step-28

On the next step, you are asked if you want to GRUB boot loader to the master boot record, you obviously want to press “Yes” to that.

How To Install and Configure Debian 10 Buster with GNOME step-29

On the next screen, select the hard drive where you want the GRUB boot loader to be installed and press Continue.

How To Install and Configure Debian 10 Buster with GNOME step-30


The installation should be completed at this point.

How To Install and Configure Debian 10 Buster with GNOME step-32

On the lock screen, type the password that you set up in the installation phase, and this is the screen that you should see.

How To Install and Configure Debian 10 Buster with GNOME backgorund

Awesome! You now have Debian 10 on your instance.

But this tutorial is not over. Before continuing, there are a few minimal configurations that you want to do on your Debian 10 buster instance for it to be all correctly configured.

Steps to Configure your Debian 10 Buster

Before playing with your new Debian 10 buster machine, there are a few steps that you need to complete.

a – Enable unofficial Debian software download

By default, downloading Debian software (like the tools that you would find in the Software store) are disabled by default.

To enable them, head to “Activities”, and type “Software Updates”.

How To Install and Configure Debian 10 Buster with GNOME step-34-bisIn the next window, the first and the last checkbox should be already checked.

Check the “DFSG-compatible Software with Non-Free Dependencies (contrib)” option and the “Non-DFSG-compatible Software (non-free)” option.

How To Install and Configure Debian 10 Buster with GNOME step-35

Click on “Close“. From there, you will be asked to confirm your choice by reloading the information about available software.

Simply click on “Reload“.

How To Install and Configure Debian 10 Buster with GNOME step-36

Head to the Store by typing “Store” into the Activities search box.

If you are seeing third-party applications, it means that the previous step worked correctly.

How To Install and Configure Debian 10 Buster with GNOME step-38

b – Install wget to download files from Internet

wget is not installed by default on your instance.

$ sudo apt install wget

How To Install and Configure Debian 10 Buster with GNOME step-39

c – Install your NVIDIA drivers

The NVIDIA driver installation process is pretty straightforward.

Simply run the “nvidia-detect” command in your terminal and this utility will tell you which driver you have to install depending on your graphics card.

First, install nvidia-detect

$ sudo apt install nvidia-detect

How To Install and Configure Debian 10 Buster with GNOME step-42

From there, run the nvidia-detect utility in your command line.

$ nvidia-detect
Detected NVIDIA GPUs:
02:00.0 VGA compatible controller [0300]: NVIDIA Corporation GF108 [GeForce GT 430] [10de:0de1] (rev a1)
Your card is supported by the default drivers.
It is recommended to install the

As you can see, the nvidia-detect utility states that I need to install the nvidia-driver package for my instance, so this is what I am going to do.

$ sudo apt install nvidia-driver

d – Install Dash To Dock

As a Debian user, I hate going to the top left Applications menu just to find my web browser or to browse my filesystem.

As a consequence, similarly to MacOS graphical interfaces, I would like a static application dock to be visible on my desktop, all the time.

How To Install and Configure Debian 10 Buster with GNOME step-43

To install it, head to the “Store” by typing “Store” in the Applications search box. This is the window that you should see.

How To Install and Configure Debian 10 Buster with GNOME step-44

Click on “Add-ons”, and then select the “Shell Extensions tab“. You should see a list of shell extensions available for your Debian distribution.

In the top search bar, type “Dash To Dock“. Click on “Install” when you found the “Dash To Dock” store item.

How To Install and Configure Debian 10 Buster with GNOME step-40-dash-dock

Simply click “Install” on the next window that is prompted on the screen.

How To Install and Configure Debian 10 Buster with GNOME step-41-dash-dock

That’s it!

You now have a dash to dock on your desktop.

How To Install and Configure Debian 10 Buster with GNOME featured-1

Going Further

Your adventure with Debian 10 has only begun, but I would recommend that you start configuring your host if you plan on using it as a server.

Here’s a very good video of Linux Tex that explains all the things that you should do after installing your Debian 10 installation.

Some of the steps are already covered in this tutorial, but for the others, feel free to watch his video as it explains the procedures quite in detail.


6 Tips To A Successful Code Review | Best Practices for Effective Code Review

Code Review is one of the most prominent tasks in every SDLC. It enhances code quality and builds your codebase more stable. The process of running a code review can be a nightmare for team leads so we have compiled a few tips and tricks to a successful code review.

Moreover, software code review is a method to make sure that the code meets the functional requirements and assists developers to comply with the best coding practices. As per our knowledge and studies, we have shared 6 easy tips for a successful code review that can help code reviewers and software developers while the code review.

6 Tips for Effective Code Review

Mostly, the code review is a ‘Make It Or Break It‘ moment. It remains an important step in delivering a successful and qualitative product. Now, in this tutorial, we are going to list the 6 best tips in order to perform a successful and fruitful code review. Before that, have a look at the below video for quick reference on best practices for code review:

Tip 1 – Choose The Right Moment

Performing a successful code review begins by choosing the right moment to perform it.

What is the right moment to perform a code-review?

A good moment holds the following characteristics :

  • Low probability of being interrupted: you should tend to avoid times of the day where you know, by experience, that people tend to interrupt your work. Days often have calmer periods and this is where you should hold your code review.
  • Right state of mind: you weren’t stressed ten minutes before, or dreading an important meeting one hour after. Both the reviewer and the reviewer have to be in a good state of mind to guarantee that no turbulences will ruin the code review.
  • The reviewee ensures that the code is review-ready: there is really no point in wasting time reviewing a code that is not ready. Be ready, it is implicitly meant that the code should be qualitative, commented, and unit-tested at least. If the reviewer allocates time to review some code, it is really nothing at all to come with your paper ready.

I – Choose The Right Moment

Tip 2– Set The Boundaries Of The Code Review

Before starting the code review, you have to set correct and attainable boundaries for it. That means that you have to know exactly what you are going to cover, ahead of time.

Are we going to review one or multiple features? Given the time we allocated in the step before, does it make sense to review too many features?

A code review can consist of integrating multiple small features or a few big ones.

In many cases, you want to be focused on a few features in order to grasp exactly what they are about and not jumping too frequently from one feature to another.

In order to set boundaries, you may want to :

  • Have well-written and correctly sized tasks in a ticket management system like Jira or even a classic whiteboard for example.
  • Correctly prioritize the code review: some tasks may be more urgent than others. If too many tasks need to be integrated, you cannot perform all of them. Choose wisely.

II – Set The Boundaries Of The Code Review

Tip 3 – Set The Right Environment For It

This point is a very important one.

Before starting any code review, you want to set the correct environment for your code review.

What are the characteristics of a proper environment?

  • Your environment has to be quiet: code reviews cannot be performed efficiently when there is a lot of noise around you. A good focus is essential to be efficient in the task you have to accomplish.
  • No interruption-zone: Similar to the point we described in the first part, you may want to be in a room with restricted access, underlying the fact that you don’t want to be disturbed during the process.
  • A positive criticism zone: criticize somebody’s work is a hard process. But it is even hard when a lot of people are around you. In a restricted room, you are free to express your comments without fearing that somebody’s going to listen to it.

III – Set The Right Environment For It

Tip 4 – Communicate, communicate, communicate

I really wanted to put some emphasis on this point.

A code review is not a one-way process, quite the opposite.

A successful code review relies heavily on being able to respectfully and efficiently communicate with your peer.

A code review isn’t only about the reviewee expressing its intent. Neither is it only about the reviewer stating what’s right and what’s wrong.

It should really be a conversation about everything that composes it: the scope, the intent, the fixes, and even the disagreements.

Here are the keys points for successful communication :

  • Don’t just hear, listen: the code review has to be an understanding and insightful moment. You can not listen to the sound of your own voice. Opinions and views may differ and every disagreement should lead to a constructive discussion about what the issue is.
  • A neutral tone: a code review isn’t a whiteboard exam, nor an inquisition. It should feel like the code is being judged, not the developer behind it.
  • When in doubt, ask: if you’re not sure about a particular detail in the code review, ask about it. Some intent isn’t made clear from the beginning and could lead to misinterpretations.

IV – Communicate, communicate, communicate

Tip 5 – Keep In Mind The Deliverables

A code review always leads to a deliverable: it can be a counter-review of the code presented or a code integration to the relevant branches that you chose for your gitflow.

This is where the responsibility of the reviewer is involved. The review is responsible for presenting good code to the reviewer but the final decision belongs to the reviewer.

How does one judges if the code can be integrated or not?

Here are some criteria that can help you in your decision :

  • The code written and the development done is relevant to what was asked in the ticket dedicated.
  • The code is correctly unit-tested and is ‘considered safe’ to master branches.
  • No obvious code smells or bad practices.

Tip 6 – Use Dedicated Tools

Tools to perform a proper code review exist and you shouldn’t hesitate to use them to ease your integration process.

Three brands are predominant when it comes to code-review software: Smartbear (with Collaborator)Perforce (with Helix Swarm), and Atlassian (with Crucible).

Such tools often provide a complete interface to organize code reviews, as well as metrics in order for your team to continuously improve.

It is way more than a code comparison tool, and it integrates with pretty much all the source version control systems available.

Give it a try!

Your Turn To Share!

Did those tips help you organize your code reviews?

Does your role in a code review make more sense now?

If you have additional tips to share, or concrete examples that happened to you in your daily developer life, make sure to share them by leaving a comment below.

It really helps new developers.

Do not hesitate to share our other productivity articles and our latest article about completing a side project.

Until then, have fun, as always.

9 Best Practices for Code Review

The following are the nine best practices for a successful code review that help all software developers:

1. Know What to Look for in a Code Review
2. Build and Test — Before Review
3. Don’t Review Code for Longer Than 60 Minutes
4. Check No More Than 400 Lines at a Time
5. Give Feedback That Helps (Not Hurts)
6. Communicate Goals and Expectations
7. Include Everyone in the Code Review Process
8. Foster a Positive Culture
9. Automate to Save Time

Peer Code Review Best Practices

Peer Code Review Best Practices

Best Practices for How to Run a Code Review

Best Practices for How to Run a Code Review

How To Install an Elasticsearch Cluster on Ubuntu 18.04

Elasticsearch is a platform for distributed search and data analysis in real-time. It offers a multitenant-capable full-text search engine with an HTTP web interface and schema-free JSON documents with a simple installation.

By Elasticsearch, you can execute and combine various types of searches giving you the like Kibana, Logstash, X-Pack, etc., Elasticsearch can collect and monitor Big Data at a large scale. This Elasticsearch cluster includes three data nodes and with this, we could avoid a split-brain and have a quorum of master-eligible nodes.

In this free and ultimate tutorial, we will be going to learn how to install and configure a 3 Node Elasticsearch Cluster on Ubuntu 18.04 and with this you can go through some API examples on creating indexes, ingesting documents, searches, etc.Elasticsearch Logo

What is ElasticSearch?

ElasticSearch is a highly scalable open-source analytics engine, RESTful search engine built on top of Apache Lucene and issued under an Apache license. It is the most famous search engine and is generally used for full-text search, log analytics, security intelligence, business analytics, analyze big volumes of data faster and in near real-time, etc. Also, Elasticsearch is Java-based and can search and index document files in different formats.

Features of ElasticSearch

Before we get to the main topic, let’s cover some basics about Elasticsearch from below: 

Basic Concepts of Elasticsearch

  • An Elasticsearch Cluster is made up of a number of nodes;
  • Each Node includes Indexes, where an Index is a Collection of Documents;
  • Master nodes are subjective for Cluster related tasks, creating/deleting indexes, tracking of nodes, allocate shards to nodes;
  • Data nodes are liable for hosting the actual shards that have the indexed data also handles data related operations like CRUD, search, and aggregations;
  • Indexes are split into Multiple Shards;
  • Shards exist of Primary Shards and Replica Shards;
  • A Replica Shard is a Copy of a Primary Shard that is used for HA/Redundancy;
  • Shards get placed on random nodes throughout the cluster;
  • A Replica Shard will NEVER be on the same node as the Primary Shard’s associated shard-id.

Representation of Nodes, Index and Shards on 2 Nodes (as an example)

Note on Master Elections

The least number of master eligible nodes that want to join a newly elected master in order for an election is configured via the setting discovery.zen.minimum_master_nodes. This configuration is very powerful, as it makes each master-eligible node informed of the minimum number of master-eligible nodes that must be visible in order to form a cluster.

Without this setting or incorrect configuration, this might lead to a split-brain, where let’s say something went wrong and upon nodes rejoining the cluster, it may form 2 different clusters, which we want to avoid at all costs.

From consulting elasticsearch documentation, to avoid a split brain, this setting should be set to a quorum of master-eligible nodes via the following formula:

(master_eligible_nodes / 2) + 1
# in our case:
(3/2) + 1 = 2

It is advised to evade having only two master eligible nodes since a quorum of two is two. To read more on elasticsearch cluster master election process, take a look at their documentation


We have to set the internal IP addresses of our nodes to either our hosts’ file or DNS server. To keep it easy & straightforward, I will add them to my host file. This needs to apply to both nodes:

$ sudo su - 
$ cat > /etc/hosts << EOF localhost es-node-1 es-node-2 es-node-3

Now that our host entries are set, we can start with the fun stuff.

Installing Elasticsearch on Ubuntu

The following instructions and directions should be implemented to both nodes.

Get the Elasticsearch repositories and update your system so that your servers are aware of the newly added Elasticsearch repository:

$ apt update && apt upgrade -y
$ apt install software-properties-common python-software-properties apt-transport-https -y
$ wget -qO - | sudo apt-key add -
$ echo "deb stable main" | sudo tee -a /etc/apt/sources.list.d/elastic-6.x.list
$ apt update

Elasticsearch relies on Java, so install the java development kit:

$ apt install default-jdk -y

Verify that java is installed:

$ java -version
openjdk version "11.0.3" 2019-04-16
OpenJDK Runtime Environment (build 11.0.3+7-Ubuntu-1ubuntu218.04.1)
OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (build 11.0.3+7-Ubuntu-1ubuntu218.04.1, mixed mode, sharing)

Install Elasticsearch:

$ apt install elasticsearch -y

Once Elasticsearch is installed, repeat these steps on the second node. Once that is done, move on to the configuration section.

Configuring Elasticsearch

For nodes to join the same cluster, they should all share the same cluster name.

We also need to specify the discovery hosts as the masters so that the nodes can be discoverable. Since we are installing a 3 node cluster, all nodes will contribute to a master and data node role.

Feel free to inspect the Elasticsearch cluster configuration, but I will be overwriting the default configuration with the config that I need.

Make sure to apply the configuration on both nodes:

$ cat > /etc/elasticsearch/elasticsearch.yml << EOF es-cluster \${HOSTNAME}
node.master: true true
path.logs: /var/log/elasticsearch /usr/share/elasticsearch/data
bootstrap.memory_lock: true
discovery.zen.minimum_master_nodes: 2 ["es-node-1", "es-node-2"]

Important settings for your elasticsearch cluster is described on their docs:

  • Disable swapping
  • Increase file descriptors
  • Ensure sufficient virtual memory
  • Ensure sufficient threads
  • JVM DNS cache settings
  • Temporary directory not mounted with noexec

Increase the file descriptors on the nodes, as instructed by the documentation:

$ cat > /etc/default/elasticsearch << EOF

Ensure that pages are not swapped out to disk by requesting the JVM to lock the heap in memory by setting LimitMEMLOCK=infinity.

Set the maximum file descriptor number for this process: LimitNOFILE and increase the number of threads using LimitNPROC:

$ vim /usr/lib/systemd/system/elasticsearch.service

Increase the limit on the number of open files descriptors to user elasticsearch of 65536 or higher

$ cat > /etc/security/limits.conf << EOF
elasticsearch soft memlock unlimited
elasticsearch hard memlock unlimited

Increase the value of the map counts as elasticsearch uses maps directory to store its indices:

$ sysctl -w vm.max_map_count=262144

For a permanent setting, update vm.max_map_count in /etc/sysctl.conf and run:

$ sysctl -p /etc/sysctl.conf

Change the permissions of the elasticsearch data path, so that the elasticsearch user and group has permissions to read and write from the configured path:

$ chown -R elasticsearch:elasticsearch /usr/share/elasticsearch

Make sure that you have applied these steps to all the nodes before continuing.

Start Elasticsearch

Enable Elasticsearch on boot time and start the Elasticsearch service:

$ systemctl enable elasticsearch
$ systemctl start elasticsearch

Verify that Elasticsearch is running:

$ netstat -tulpn
Active Internet connections (only servers)
Proto Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address           Foreign Address         State       PID/Program name
tcp6       0      0 :::9200                 :::*                    LISTEN      278/java
tcp6       0      0 :::9300                 :::*                    LISTEN      278/java

Using Elasticsearch Restful API

In this section we will get comfortable with using Elasticsearch API, by covering the following examples:

  • Cluster Overview;
  • How to view Node, Index, and Shard information;
  • How to Ingest Data into Elasticsearch;
  • Who to Search data in Elasticsearch;
  • How to delete your Index

View Cluster Health

From any node, use an HTTP client such as curl to investigate the current health of the cluster by looking at the cluster API:

$ curl -XGET http://localhost:9200/_cluster/health?pretty
  "cluster_name" : "es-cluster",
  "status" : "green",
  "timed_out" : false,
  "number_of_nodes" : 3,
  "number_of_data_nodes" : 3,
  "active_primary_shards" : 0,
  "active_shards" : 0,
  "relocating_shards" : 0,
  "initializing_shards" : 0,
  "unassigned_shards" : 0,
  "delayed_unassigned_shards" : 0,
  "number_of_pending_tasks" : 0,
  "number_of_in_flight_fetch" : 0,
  "task_max_waiting_in_queue_millis" : 0,
  "active_shards_percent_as_number" : 100.0

As you can see the cluster status is Green, which means everything works as expected.

In Elasticsearch you get Green, Yellow and Red statuses. Yellow would essentially mean that one or more replica shards are in an unassigned state. Red status means that some or all primary shards are unassigned which is really bad.

From this output, we can also see the number of data nodes, primary shards, unassigned shards, etc.

This is a good place to get an overall view of your Elasticsearch cluster’s health.

View the Number of Nodes in your Cluster

By looking at that /_cat/nodes API we can get information about our nodes that is part of our cluster:

$ curl -XGET http://localhost:9200/_cat/nodes?v
ip             heap.percent ram.percent cpu load_1m load_5m load_15m node.role master name              10          95   0    0.00    0.00     0.00 mdi       -      es-node-1              11          94   0    0.00    0.00     0.00 mdi       -      es-node-2              25          96   0    0.07    0.02     0.00 mdi       *      es-node-3

As you can see, we can see information about our nodes such as the JVM Heap, CPU, Load averages, node role of each node, and which node is master.

As we are not running dedicated masters, we can see that node es-node-3 got elected as master.

Create your first Elasticsearch Index

Note that when you create an index, the default primary shards are set to 5 and the default replica shard count is set to 1. You can change the replica shard count after an index has been created, but not the primary shard count as that you will need to set on index creation.

Let’s create an Elasticsearch index named myfirstindex:

$ curl -XPUT http://localhost:9200/myfirstindex

Now that your index has been created, let’s have a look at the /_cat/indices API to get information about our indices:

$ curl -XGET http://localhost:9200/_cat/indices?v
health status index        uuid                   pri rep docs.count docs.deleted store.size
green  open   myfirstindex xSX9nOQJQ2qNIq4A6_0bTw   5   1          0            0      1.2kb           650b

From the output you will find that we have 5 primary shards and 1 replica shard, with 0 documents in our index and that our cluster is in a green state, meaning that our primary and replica shards have been assigned to the nodes in our cluster.

Note that a replica shard will NEVER reside on the same node as the primary shard for HA and Redundancy.

Let’s go a bit deeper and have a look at the shards, to see how our shards are distributed through our cluster, using the /_cat/shards API:

$ curl -XGET http://localhost:9200/_cat/shards?v
index        shard prirep state   docs store ip             node
myfirstindex 1     r      STARTED    0  230b    es-node-2
myfirstindex 1     p      STARTED    0  230b    es-node-3
myfirstindex 4     p      STARTED    0  230b    es-node-3
myfirstindex 4     r      STARTED    0  230b    es-node-1
myfirstindex 2     r      STARTED    0  230b    es-node-2
myfirstindex 2     p      STARTED    0  230b    es-node-1
myfirstindex 3     p      STARTED    0  230b    es-node-2
myfirstindex 3     r      STARTED    0  230b    es-node-3
myfirstindex 0     p      STARTED    0  230b    es-node-2
myfirstindex 0     r      STARTED    0  230b    es-node-1

As you can see each replica shard of its primary is spread on different nodes.

Replicating a Yellow Cluster Status

For a yellow cluster status, we know that it’s when one or more replica shards are in an unassigned state.

So let’s replicate that behavior by scaling our replica count to 3, which would mean that 5 replica shards will be in an unassigned state:

$ curl -XPUT -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
http://localhost:9200/myfirstindex/_settings -d \
'{"number_of_replicas": 3}'

Now we have scaled the replica count to 3, but since we only have 3 nodes, we will have a yellow state cluster:

$ curl -XGET http://localhost:9200/_cat/indices?v
health status index        uuid                   pri rep docs.count docs.deleted store.size
yellow open   myfirstindex xSX9nOQJQ2qNIq4A6_0bTw   5   3          0            0      3.3kb           1.1kb

The cluster health status should show the number of unassigned shards, and while they are unassigned we can verify that by looking at the shards API again:

$ curl -XGET http://localhost:9200/_cat/shards?v
index        shard prirep state      docs store ip             node
myfirstindex 1     r      STARTED       0  230b    es-node-2
myfirstindex 1     p      STARTED       0  230b    es-node-3
myfirstindex 1     r      STARTED       0  230b    es-node-1
myfirstindex 1     r      UNASSIGNED
myfirstindex 4     r      STARTED       0  230b    es-node-2
myfirstindex 4     p      STARTED       0  230b    es-node-3
myfirstindex 4     r      STARTED       0  230b    es-node-1
myfirstindex 4     r      UNASSIGNED
myfirstindex 2     r      STARTED       0  230b    es-node-2
myfirstindex 2     r      STARTED       0  230b    es-node-3
myfirstindex 2     p      STARTED       0  230b    es-node-1
myfirstindex 2     r      UNASSIGNED
myfirstindex 3     p      STARTED       0  230b    es-node-2
myfirstindex 3     r      STARTED       0  230b    es-node-3
myfirstindex 3     r      STARTED       0  230b    es-node-1
myfirstindex 3     r      UNASSIGNED
myfirstindex 0     p      STARTED       0  230b    es-node-2
myfirstindex 0     r      STARTED       0  230b    es-node-3
myfirstindex 0     r      STARTED       0  230b    es-node-1
myfirstindex 0     r      UNASSIGNED

At this point in time, we could either add another node to the cluster or scale the replication factor back to 1 to get the cluster health to green again.

I will scale it back down to a replication factor of 1:

$ curl -XPUT http://localhost:9200/myfirstindex/_settings -d '{"number_of_replicas": 1}'

Ingest Data into Elasticsearch

We will ingest 3 documents into our index, this will be a simple document consisting of a name, country and gender, for example:

  "name": "james", 
  "country": "south africa", 
  "gender": "male"

First, we will ingest the document using a PUT HTTP method, when using a PUT method, we need to specify the document ID.

PUT methods will be used to create or update a document. For creating:

$ curl -XPUT -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
http://localhost:9200/myfirstindex/_doc/1 -d '
{"name":"james", "country":"south africa", "gender": "male"}'

Now you will find we have one index in our cluster:

$ curl -XGET http://localhost:9200/_cat/indices?v
health status index        uuid                   pri rep docs.count docs.deleted store.size
green  open   myfirstindex xSX9nOQJQ2qNIq4A6_0bTw   5   1          1            0     11.3kb          5.6kb

Since we know that the document ID is “1”, we can do a GET on the document ID to read the document from the index:

$ curl -XGET http://localhost:9200/myfirstindex/people/1?pretty
  "_index" : "myfirstindex",
  "_type" : "people",
  "_id" : "1",
  "found" : false

If we ingest documents with a POST request, Elasticsearch generates the document ID for us automatically. Let’s create 2 documents:

$ curl -XPOST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
http://localhost:9200/myfirstindex/_doc/ -d '
{"name": "kevin", "country": "new zealand", "gender": "male"}'

$ curl -XPOST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
http://localhost:9200/myfirstindex/_doc/ -d '
{"name": "sarah", "country": "ireland", "gender": "female"}'

When we have a look again at our index, we can see that we now have 3 documents in our index:

$ curl -XGET http://localhost:9200/_cat/indices?v
health status index        uuid                   pri rep docs.count docs.deleted store.size
green  open   myfirstindex xSX9nOQJQ2qNIq4A6_0bTw   5   1          3            0       29kb         14.5kb

Search Queries

Now that we have 3 documents in our elasticsearch index, let’s explore the search APIs to get data from our index. First, let’s search for the keyword “sarah” as a source query parameter:

$ curl -XGET 'http://localhost:9200/myfirstindex/_search?q=sarah&pretty'
  "took" : 9,
  "timed_out" : false,
  "_shards" : {
    "total" : 5,
    "successful" : 5,
    "skipped" : 0,
    "failed" : 0
  "hits" : {
    "total" : 1,
    "max_score" : 0.2876821,
    "hits" : [
        "_index" : "myfirstindex",
        "_type" : "_doc",
        "_id" : "cvU96GsBP0-G8XdN24s4",
        "_score" : 0.2876821,
        "_source" : {
          "name" : "sarah",
          "country" : "ireland",
          "gender" : "female"

We can also narrow our search query down to a specific field, for example, show me all the documents with the name kevin:

$ curl -XGET 'http://localhost:9200/myfirstindex/_search?q=name:kevin&pretty'
  "hits" : {
    "total" : 1,
    "max_score" : 0.2876821,
    "hits" : [
        "_index" : "myfirstindex",
        "_type" : "_doc",
        "_id" : "gPU96GsBP0-G8XdNHoru",
        "_score" : 0.2876821,
        "_source" : {
          "name" : "kevin",
          "country" : "new zealand",
          "gender" : "male"

With Elasticsearch we can also search with our query in the request body, a similar query as above would look like this:

$ curl -XPOST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
'http://localhost:9200/myfirstindex/_search?pretty' -d '
  "query": {
    "match": {
      "name": "kevin"

        "_index" : "myfirstindex",
        "_source" : {
          "name" : "kevin",
          "country" : "new zealand",
          "gender" : "male"

We can use wildcard queries:

$ curl -XPOST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
'' -d '
  "query": {
    "wildcard": {
      "country": "*land"

    "hits" : [
        "_index" : "myfirstindex",
        "_type" : "_doc",
        "_id" : "cvU96GsBP0-G8XdN24s4",
        "_score" : 1.0,
        "_source" : {
          "name" : "sarah",
          "country" : "ireland",
          "gender" : "female"
        "_index" : "myfirstindex",
        "_type" : "_doc",
        "_id" : "gPU96GsBP0-G8XdNHoru",
        "_score" : 1.0,
        "_source" : {
          "name" : "kevin",
          "country" : "new zealand",
          "gender" : "male"

Have a look at their documentation for more information on the Search API

Delete your Index

To wrap this up, we will go ahead and delete our index:

$ curl -XDELETE http://localhost:9200/myfirstindex

Going Further

If this got you curious, then definitely have a look at this Elasticsearch Cheatsheet that I’ve put together and if you want to generate lots of data to ingest to your elasticsearch cluster, have a look at this python script.

Our other links related to ELK:

MongoDB Monitoring with Grafana & Prometheus

MongoDB Monitoring with Grafana & Prometheus | Mongodb Prometheus Grafana Dashboard

If you are a web application developer or a database administrator, your infrastructure likely relies on MongoDB in some ways. Monitoring MongoDB is very important to assure that you are not holding memory issues or performance issues with your database.

In previous years, you can find various ways to monitor your MongoDB. But now, we are going to discuss MongoDB Database Monitoring with Grafana and Prometheus.

Do Check: Complete MySQL dashboard with Grafana & Prometheus

Are you ready? Then check out the concepts available here which you will learn from the following tutorial:

  • What your Grafana – Prometheus – MongoDB exporter will look like
  • How to install Prometheus, a modern time-series database on your computer;
  • How to configure import a MongoDB dashboard in seconds
  • How to set up the MongoDB developed by Percona as well as binding it to MongoDB;

Note: Percona’s MongoDB exporter incorporates MongoDB stats for sharding and duplicate, as the development of David Cuadrado’s MongoDB exporter.

MongoDB, Grafana, and Prometheus Architecture

Here’s an entire overview of what the final monitoring architecture looks like.

As a quick reminder, Prometheus scrapes targets. Targets may be instrumented applications (like instrumented Java apps for example), the Pushgateway, or exporters.

Exporters are a way to bind to an existing entity (a database, a reverse proxy server, an application server) to expose metrics to Prometheus.

The MongoDB exporter is one of them.

Prometheus will bind to the MongoDB exporters and store related metrics in its own internal storage system.

From there, Grafana will bind to Prometheus and display metrics on dashboard panels.

Easy, isn’t it?

At last, you have a great understanding of what we are trying to build, let’s install the different tools needed to monitor MongoDB.

Process of Installing & Configuring Prometheus, MongoDB Exporter

Here, we come to the main topic that how to install, configure, set up the tools, and monitor the Mongodb easily:

Installing Prometheus

If you are still a beginner using Prometheus, you will find the complete Prometheus installation on this tutorial.

If you run the Prometheus installation entirely, you know have your Prometheus up and ready.

To verify it, head over to http://localhost:9090. If you have a web interface close to the one presented just below, it means that your installation went correctly.

No metrics are currently stored, except maybe Prometheus internal metrics.

Run a simple Prometheus query, such as prometheus_http_request_duration_seconds_sum, and make sure that you have some results.


Now that your Prometheus server is running, let’s install the MongoDB exporter to start monitor our MongoDB database.

Installing the MongoDB exporter

As explained before, the MongoDB exporter is available on Percona’s GitHub here.

The MongoDB exporter comes as a binary file in an archive, but as always, we are going to configure it as a service.

We are also going to configure it to run on a specific authenticated user dedicated to monitoring.

First, download the MongoDB exporter release file from one of the versions available here.

$ mkdir mongodb-exporter
$ cd mongodb-exporter
$ wget

Note: as of June 2019, the MongoDB exporter version is 0.7.1.

Next, extract the downloaded archive in your current folder.

$ tar xvzf mongodb_exporter-0.7.1.linux-amd64.tar.gz

You should now have 4 files: mongodb_exporter, LICENSE,,

All files are pretty self-explanatory, but we are only interested in the mongodb_exporter binary file here.

As we are going to configure the exporter as a service, create a dedicated user for Prometheus if not already existing.

$ sudo useradd -rs /bin/false prometheus
$ sudo mv mongodb_exporter /usr/local/bin/

Enabling MongoDB authentication

Every access to your MongoDB instance should be authenticated and authorized.

To ensure it, we are going to set up a basic MongoDB authentication for the MongoDB exporter.

MongoDB authentication is set using the –auth flag in the Mongo shell.

By default, mongod does not set this flag, so you should be able to connect to it via localhost.

$ ps aux | grep mongod
mongodb  13468  1.1  6.9 1490632 281728 ? Ssl  Jan05 2838:27 /usr/bin/mongod --unixSocketPrefix=/run/mongodb --config /etc/mongodb.conf

Connect to your MongoDB instance with mongo.

$ mongo --port 27017

Create an administrator account for your exporter with the cluster monitor role.

use admin
    user: "mongodb_exporter",
    pwd: "password",
    roles: [
        { role: "clusterMonitor", db: "admin" },
        { role: "read", db: "local" }

You should see the following message

Successfully added user: {                        
        "user" : "mongodb_exporter",              
        "roles" : [                               
                        "role" : "clusterMonitor",
                        "db" : "admin"            
                        "role" : "read",          
                        "db" : "local"            

Before exiting, shut down your MongoDB instance, and restart it.

$ db.adminCommand( { shutdown: 1 } )
$ exit
$ sudo mongod --auth --port 27017 --config /etc/mongodb.conf &

Set your MongoDB URI environment variable, according to the changes that you made before.

$ export MONGODB_URI=mongodb://mongodb_exporter:password@localhost:27017

Creating a service for the MongoDB exporter

Similar to the MySQLd exporter, we are going to set up the MongoDB exporter as a service.

As usual, head over to /lib/systemd/system and create a new service file for the exporter.

$ cd /lib/systemd/system/
$ sudo touch mongodb_exporter.service

Parse the following configuration into your service file:

Description=MongoDB Exporter



From there, don’t forget to restart your system daemon and start your service.

$ sudo systemctl daemon-reload
$ sudo systemctl start mongodb_exporter.service

You should always verify that your service is working.

As a quick reminder, Percona’s MongoDB exporter runs on port 9216.

To ensure that everything is working correctly, run a simple curl command on port 9216.

$ sudo curl http://localhost:9216/metrics
# HELP go_gc_duration_seconds A summary of the GC invocation durations.
# TYPE go_gc_duration_seconds summary
go_gc_duration_seconds{quantile="0"} 0
go_gc_duration_seconds{quantile="0.25"} 0
go_gc_duration_seconds{quantile="0.5"} 0
go_gc_duration_seconds{quantile="0.75"} 0
go_gc_duration_seconds{quantile="1"} 0
go_gc_duration_seconds_sum 0
go_gc_duration_seconds_count 0

Can you already see some Prometheus metrics that are being aggregated already?

Great! Your MongoDB exporter is working!

We only need to bind it to Prometheus, and we should be all set.

Configure the MongoDB exporter as a Prometheus target

Almost there!

As described in the schema shown in the architecture section, we are going to bind Prometheus to the new MongoDB exporter.

Head over to the location of your Prometheus configuration file (mine is located at /etc/prometheus/prometheus.yml) and edit it to add the MongoDB exporter as a target.

# A scrape configuration containing exactly one endpoint to scrape:
# Here it's Prometheus itself.
  # The job name is added as a label `job=<job_name>` to any timeseries scraped from this config.
  - job_name: 'prometheus'
            - targets: ['localhost:9090', 'localhost:9216']

Restart Prometheus, and go to http://localhost:9090/targets to verify that Prometheus is now bound to your newly added exporter.


Great! Everything is up and running now.

The last step will be to create a complete Grafana dashboard to have some insights on our metrics.

Looking for a tutorial to install Grafana? We got it covered in our last article.

Building Awesome MongoDB Dashboards

As explained before, we are going to use dashboards built by Percona to monitor our MongoDB example on Grafana.

Percona provides multiple existing dashboards such as:

  • MongoDB Overview;
  • MongoDB ReplSet;
  • MongoDB RocksDB;
  • MongoDB WiredTiger;
  • MongoDB MMAPv1
  • MongoDB InMemory

For this part, we are going to focus on importing the MongoDB Overview dashboards into our Grafana instance.

Set Prometheus as a Grafana datasource

If you followed our previous tutorials, you are probably a master at it right now.

If that’s not the case, here’s the configuration for Prometheus on Grafana.


Downloading Percona dashboards for Grafana

In Grafana, dashboards come as JSON files. When you create a dashboard, you can export it in this format and share it with the world.

Percona provides dozens of dashboards on its Github repository.

In this case, we are going to download the MongoDB Overview dashboard file.

Run a simple wget command to get the JSON file.

You can create a dedicated dashboards folder in your /etc/grafana folder to store your downloaded dashboards.

$ cd /etc/grafana
$ sudo mkdir dashboards
$ cd dashboards
$ sudo wget

If you want all the dashboards available in the repository, simply clone the repository into your current folder.

$ sudo git clone

Now that you have the JSON files available, it is time for us to import them into Grafana.

Importing the MongoDB dashboard in Grafana

For this example, we are going to import the MongoDB Overview dashboard for Grafana.

Head over to your Grafana instance, located at http://localhost:3000 (if you didn’t change any default ports in your configuration file)

On the left menu, hover the ‘Plus‘ icon with your mouse and click on Import.


From there, you should be taken to the Import page. Click on the Upload .json file option.


Given the operating system, you are working with, navigate to the /etc/grafana folder (where you stored your dashboard), and click on the MongoDB_Overview.json file.

Your dashboard should be imported automatically, with real-time updates of your MongoDB database!


Common Errors

If you carefully followed this tutorial, chances are that you have a fully functional dashboard right now.

However, you might encounter some errors during the process.

Here are some clues on how to solve them:

  • Failed to get server status: not authorized on admin to execute the command

This error message is fairly simple to understand.

Your mongodb_exporter user does not have the necessary credentials to perform queries on the admin database.

IV – Common Errors errors

Clue 1

To resolve it, connect to your instance, use the admin database, and make sure that you configured correctly the mongodb_exporter user (it must have the cluster monitor right on the admin database)

$ mongo --port 27017 (or --auth if you already have an admin account on your database)
$ use admin;
$ db.getUsers()
        "_id" : "admin.mongodb_exporter",         
        "user" : "mongodb_exporter",              
        "db" : "admin",                           
        "roles" : [                               
                        "role" : "clusterMonitor",
                        "db" : "admin"            
                        "role" : "read",          
                        "db" : "local"            

Clue 2

You didn’t properly set the MongoDB URI environment variable.

To verify it, launch the following command:

$ env  | grep mongodb

Clue 3

If this is still not working, set the MongoDB URI directly in the service file, restart your service, as well as your MongoDB instance.

ExecStart=/usr/local/bin/mongodb_exporter --mongodb.uri=mongodb://mongodb_exporter:password@localhost:27017

$ sudo systemctl daemon-reload
$ sudo systemctl restart mongodb.service
$ sudo systemctl restart mongodb_exporter.service
  • Could not get MongoDB BuildInfo: no reachable servers!

Clue 1

Your MongoDB database is either not launched, not it is not running on port 27017.

For the first option, just verify that your MongoDB service is running, or that your mongod background is running.

$ sudo systemctl status mongodb.service
$ ps aux | grep mongod

For the second option, verify the port used by your MongoDB instance. To do so, run the following command:

$ sudo lsof -i -P -n | grep LISTEN
grafana-s   642         grafana    7u  IPv6  998256601      0t0  TCP *:3333 (LISTEN)
mysqld_ex  3136            root    3u  IPv6  998030854      0t0  TCP *:9104 (LISTEN)
mongod     3688            root   10u  IPv4 1092070442      0t0  TCP (LISTEN)

If your MongoDB instance is not running on the default 27017 port, change your mongodb_exporter file for it to bind to your custom port.


IV – Common Errors error-2

Going Further

Now that you have a fully operational monitoring pipeline for MongoDB, it is time for you to dig a little deeper.

Here are the best resources if you want to know more about MongoDB monitoring.

First, here’s a great talk by Vadim Tkachenko from Percona about Monitoring MySQL and MongoDB instances. You will understand how Percona builds its own monitoring architecture and its own dashboards.

This is a more general talk about MongoDB monitoring using the built-in commands available in your MongoDB CLI such as the server status, the stats, or the total size of each of your collections.

A great talk if you are not into custom monitoring solutions, and if you want to focus on native and already implemented functions.