APT Package Manager on Linux Explained

As a system administrator, knowing how to installupdate or delete Linux packages is crucial in order to maintain your Linux hosts and servers.

You may have to update your current packages in order to get the latest security patches for your servers.

On the other hand, you may have to setup an entire HTTP Web Server in order to deploy a brand new website your application team developed.

Sometimes, you might just want to test new software in order to see if it fits your needs, just to uninstall the packages later on.

As a consequence, knowing how to manage Linux packages is crucial.

In this tutorial, we are going to focus on Linux package management using the APT package manager.

First, we are going to go through a bit of history on the origins of Open Source Software in order to grasp the fundamentals of Linux packages.

Later on, we will be focusing a bit more on APT (Advanced Package Tool) and we are to see how you can compile your own programs in order to have custom installations.


What You Will Learn

By reading this tutorial, you are going to learn about the following subjects:

  • The GNU/Linux project and the origins of free software;
  • How program installation is designed on Linux and how it differs from Windows hosts;
  • What software repositories are and what are the different repository types that you may encounter;
  • APT cache complete guide : how to update your cache and how to look for programs on your system;
  • APT get detailed commands : how to install and remove Linux packages properly;

That’s a long program, so without further ado, let’s jump right into it.

GNU/Linux Origins explained

Before detailing how you can install and uninstall packages on Linux, it is quite important to have some basics about what GNU and Linux are.

When discussing about Linux, it is quite common to refer to Linux as an operating system but it is not entirely true.

When we refer to Linux operating systems, we actually refer to GNU/Linux operating systems.

What is GNU?

GNU (short for “GNU Not Unix“) is an operating system designed to provide free software that is easy to acquire, distribute and modify by yourself.

Today, it is quite popular to think of Unix (or at least GNU) as a free operating system but it has not always been the case.

For example, if you were to run the “uname” command on your system, with the “-o” option (for operating system), you would see that you are most probably running a GNU/Linux OS.

$ uname -o



Back in the early days of Unix, the Unix operating system was not free open source software at all : it was developed by companies such as IBM, HP or AT&T for business needs.

However, given the rise of copyrighted software and licensed distributions, Richard Stallman, researcher at the MIT, decided to develop an UNIX alternative : GNU.

GNU was designed to be an open source operating system that is backwards compatible with Unix operating systems.

On a GNU operating system, commands (such as “ls”, “cat” or “gcc”) are completely open source.

Moreover, GNU is defined as “free software”, but are we talking about money?

Free Software Explained

As we explained before, GNU is self-proclaimed to be free software.

But the “free” software does not literally refers to money, it refers to fundamental freedoms that are core to GNU :

  • Freedom to run programs as you wish, for whatever purpose you are trying to achieve;
  • Freedom to modify the program, preconditioning a complete access to the program source code;
  • Freedom to redistribute copies in order to help your neighbours;
  • Sharing your modifications to the world : this way you are not limited to your own changes, but you can help thousands of developers around the world.

Those fundamental freedoms are tied to the concept of copyleft.

You can have specific rules added to this set of fundamental rules as long as they don’t interfere with the core rules themselves.

It would be for example illegal to take open source code, modify it and sell it without providing end users with the source code.

This is an important statement because it means that it is not forbidden to sell code per-se, it is illegal to prevent end-users from fundamental rights.

As a consequence, GNU not only defines those fundamental freedom rules but it also guarantees that those rights are spread on all subsequent versions of the software.

In this context and in order to deal with copyrighted content, the GPL license (GNU General Public License) was created.

The GPL license helps aggregating the different inherent rules dedicated to free software and to define license breaches. A complete GPL FAQ can be found on this page.

Accessing GNU packages

As you probably already understood it, GNU packages are packages designed to be sharedmodified and run wherever you want, for whatever purpose.

In this context, GNU packages can be accessed directly on the GNU website.

If you head over to the software page of the GNU official website, you would be able to see the entire list of GNU packages available to you.


As you can see, this is quite a long list of packages.

One of the most popular package is the core-utils one, providing the most popular Linux commands such as “ls“, “cat” or “find“.

And those commands can be modified and run at will!

All those packages come whenever you installed a GNU/Linux operating system, but what if you wanted to install third-party software?

For that, Linux is designed to communicate with what we call software repositories.

What are Linux software repositories?

Before describing Linux software repositories, it is quite important to have some background about how the Linux packaging system is designed.

If you come from a Window environment, you are used to download executable files (.exe) from the Internet, open an installation wizard and click “Next” a couple of times in order to have your program installed.

On Linux, this is not the case.

On Linux, packages are downloaded and installed from online repositories by a package manager.


APT Package Manager on Linux

On Debian-based distributions, packages are downloaded via the APT package manager.

When we refer to packages, we are essentially dealing with archive files that contain multiple deb files that are used by the dpkg utility to install programs.

So why would we need APT?

APT, standing for Advanced Package Manage, is responsible for downloading, installing, updating and removing packages from your system.

But why should we need a package manager for that?

Couldn’t we install the programs by ourselves?

It would be hard because packages are tied together through package dependencies.

Concept of packages dependencies

Let’s take for example the VIM Editor on Linux.

If you are using a Debian distribution, the VIM page for Debian repositories is available here.

This is where you would be able to find information about this specific package : what functionalities it provides, who created it but most importantly what packages it depends on.

On Linux, most packages don’t come as “pure” packages : they depend on a wide variety of different packages in order to provide third-party features to the actual program.

As you can see by scrolling the page, the VIM package depends on a lot of other packages.


As you can see here, dependencies are split into four different categories :

  • depends : as the name states, this dependency is needed in order for the program to run. Without it, the program cannot start at all;
  • recommends : without this dependency, the program would be able to run but it would not provide all the features that this tool is designed to provide;
  • suggests : without this dependency, the program would be able to run and provide core functionalities but it would not be the final version of the tool;
  • enhances : this dependency can enhance the actual tool by improving performance or display but it is not needed at all.

Now you know why we use the APT tool : package dependencies are resolved for you at the installation time.

Now that you know more about packages, let’s have a look at what software repositories are.

Linux Software Distribution Architecture

On Linux, software is distributed through software repositories.

Software repositories are used in order to aggregate free software provided by the community.

Repositories may be tied to a specific distribution.

Ubuntu, Debian, CentOS or RHEL have their own repositories that are updated daily.

As a consequence, when you want to install a new program, you are querying those base repositories in order to retrieve packages from them.

If you wanted to install packages that are not located on distribution based repositories, you would add your own trusted repositories to your system in order to install new packages.

This is essentially why Linux is said to be safer than Windows when it comes to installing new programs.

Unless you are installing shady packages, you are most of time communicating with trusted repositories where hundreds of different developers review the code you are executing on your machine.

It does not prevent viruses or malwares from spreading but it would be unlikely because multiple independant reviewers have inspected the package code.

Note that repositories are split into different categories and you may have to take the correct repository to guarantee that you are running safe versions.

Such versions include “stable” repositories, “testing” repositories and “unstable repositories”.

Note : in other distributions, those repositories may have a different name (Ubuntu has multiverse, universe, main and so on)

By default, your distribution is most likely linked to the stable (also called “main”) repository via the sources.list configuration file.

$ cat /etc/apt/sources.list


Now that you know more about software repositories and how your package manager interacts with it, let’s see what your package manager cache is.

APT Cache Explained

As we discussed before, the APT package manager is responsible for downloading packages from the Internet (or local package repositories) in order to install them.

However, operations done by the APT package manager are not done online all the time.

APT manages an internal database called a cache.

The APT cache is used in order to provide offline information about current packages installed on your system. It essentially guarantees that you are able to access package information without having to be connected to Internet.

Searching packages in the cache

For example, you can search for all Python related packages that may be stored in your APT cache.

For that, you need to run the “apt-cache” command with the “search” option.

$ apt-cache search <search string>

$ apt-cache search python
Tip : you can pipe your cache search with “less” in order to see all the results provided.

apt-cache search python | less


Besides searching for specific packages, the APT cache can also show complete details about a package.

Showing package information

In order to show package information, you have to execute the “apt-cache” command with the “show” option.

$ apt-cache show <package_name>

For example, in order to have more information about the gcc package (which is a GNU compiler), you would type

$ apt-cache show gcc


So if we don’t need an Internet connection to show some details, it means that they are stored somewhere on our instance.

Let’s say for example that I want to look for the cache documentation page for the nano command.

By default, package information is stored in “/var/lib/apt/lists

$ ls /var/lib/apt/lists


In this directory, you have access to a bunch of different files that store information about packages stored in your system.

To prove it, let’s look for the file providing information for the nano command.

$ sudo grep -r -A 3 -B 3 -E "Package: nano$" . | less


As you can see, many files contain a reference to the nano packagebut the one I am interested in is definitely contained in the “main amd64” file (as a reminder, “main” stands for stable and “amd64” to my processor architecture)

If you have any doubts about your CPU architecture, you run the “lscpu” command.

$ lscpu


Updating the APT cache

As you already probably understood, the APT cache works offline.

As a consequence, the APT cache has to be updated periodically in order to make sure that :

  • You are pointing to the correct repositories;
  • You are getting the latest updates for the software installed on your computer.

In order to fetch updates for your cache, you need to run the “apt-get update” command.

$ sudo apt-get update
Note : you have to be sudo in order to update your system cache.


As you can see, the command executes a couple of GET calls to distant repositories in order to fetch new information.

When you update your repositories, it is important to note that no software was updated on your computer.

Running the “apt-get update” command only updates the cache in order to have latest information about software, it does not directly update your programs.

In order to update your programs, you need to execute the “upgrade” command.

Updating (upgrading) your local packages

In order to update your local programs, you need to run “apt-get” with the “upgrade” option.

$ sudo apt-get upgrade

At some point during the command, you will be asked if you want to install the updates.


Hit “Y” and press Enter.

When confirming, your programs will be upgraded to their latest stable version.



You have successfully upgraded your packages using the upgrade command.

Updating your cache and upgrading your current packages is really nice, but what if you wanted to install new packages on your system?

In the next section, you are going to see how you can install new programs on your system using APT.

Installing new packages with APT

When installing new packages with APT, you essentially have two options :

  • The package is already located in one of the repositories you are linked to;
  • The package is in a distant repository and you need to add it.

In order to see if a package is already located into your APT cache, you have to search your cache.

In this example, we are going to pretend that we want to install the “gcc” package.

First, let’s see if GCC is already located into our APT cache.

$ apt-cache search --names-only ^gcc$


As you can see, the GCC package is directly available with my default local repositories.

Installing software found in the cache

When the package is directly available in default repositories, you can install it by running the “apt-get” command with the “install” option.

Note : you will need sudo privileges in order to install new packages on your system.
$ sudo apt-get install gcc

You may also be asked if you accept to install this package on your system.

Hit “Y” whenever you are prompted with this question.

Installing software found in the cache

Shortly after, your program should be install and usable.

In order to verify that the command was correctly installed, you can run the “whereis” command.

$ whereis gcc


Awesome, you have correctly installed the GCC compiler on your system!

Installing software unavailable in the cache

In some cases, you may want to install software that is not directly stored into your APT cache.

For this section, we are going to install Grafana, an open-source dashboarding that is not directly available in the default packages.

Note : this is not a tutorial dedicated to Grafana, this part will only cover commands related to APT.

First, we need to make sure that the package is not already contained in our APT cache.

$ apt-cache search --names-only ^grafana$

In this case, no default packages are installed for Grafana, we need to add it by ourselves.

Adding custom APT repositories

In order to add custom APT repositories, you need to understand the APT sources directory structure.

By default, repositories are stored into the “/etc/apt” folder.

$ ls -l /etc/apt

Adding custom APT repositories etc-apt

In this directory, you have multiple entries :

  • apt.conf.d : the APT configuration folders containing configuration files in order to configure proxies for example;
  • auth.conf.d : can be used in order to store authentication details related to proxies;
  • preferences.d : can be used in order to set priorities to specific repositories or packages;
  • sources. list : contains the default set of repositories for your distribution;
  • sources.list.d : a directory that may contain custom APT repositories;
  • trusted.gpg.d : a set of GPG keys that you trust in order to certify download authenticity.

The “sources.list” is already filled with default repositories, so we may not want to modify this file.


Instead, we are going to add a custom repository to the sources.list.d directory.

$ sudo touch /etc/apt/sources.list.d/custom.list

In this newly created file, add one entry for the custom repository you want to install.

$ sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list.d/custom.list

deb https://packages.grafana.com/oss/deb stable main

In order to install packages securely, you may have to import GPG keys.

$ sudo wget -q -O https://packages.grafana.com/gpg.key | sudo apt-key add -
Note : you may not have to add a GPG key for every package but it guarantees that the package is installed securely.

Now that your repository was correctly added, update your APT cache in order for the changes to be applied.

$ sudo apt-get update

apt-get-update (1)

Now, if you search for your package, you should be able to find it.

$ sudo apt-cache show grafana

As a consequence, you are now ready to install your package.

To install your package, simply run the “apt-get” command with the “install” option.

$ sudo apt-get install grafana


Now your package is successfully installed.

As you can see, installing custom software is quite different from installing software available in the cache : you have to add custom repositories and eventually add GPG keys.

Now that you know how to install packages, let’s see how you can uninstall them.

Uninstalling packages with APT

When uninstalling packages using the APT package manager, you essentially have two options : remove or purge.

Removing packages using apt-get remove

The first way to uninstall package is to use the apt-get remove command.

$ sudo apt-get remove <package>

Using the grafana package we installed earlier, this would give

$ sudo apt-get remove grafana

So why would we need a purge function?

When using apt-get remove, the packages are removed but the files associated to the package are left intact.

To see it, try listing the files associated to a package on your system using the dpkg command.

$ dpkg -L <package>


As you can see, configuration files are still there, that’s why you need to use the purge command.

Purging packages using apt-get purge

In order to use the purge command, simply execute “apt-get” with the “purge” option.

$ sudo apt-get purge <package>

Now if you try to see files associated with your package, you won’t be able to find any of them.

$ dpkg -L <package>

Removing dependencies with autoremove

As you probably understood it, the point of using APT is that it retrieves package dependencies for you and install them correctly.

As a consequence, whenever you install new packages, you have the risk of leaving dangling dependencies on your system.

In order to remove dangling dependencies (i.e dependencies not used anymore), you have to use the autoremove option.

You can either do it while uninstalling a package

$ sudo apt-get autoremove <package>

Or you can do it after by executing the autoremove option with no arguments at all.

$ sudo apt-get autoremove


In this long tutorial, you learnt how you can install and uninstall packages using the APT package manager.

You also learnt more about the origins of Open Source Software, where it comes from and how the GNU/Linux operating system emerged from standard Unix operating systems.

If you are interested about Linux system administration, we have a complete section dedicated to it on the website, so make sure to check it out.

How To Archive and Compress Files on Linux

As a system administrator, you may have downloaded some archives that you need to extract in order to reveal their files.

You may be also backing up an entire database made of a wide variety of small files that you want to aggregate in one single archive.

Archiving and compressing files are common operations in the Unix world, done by system administrators on a very regular basis.

Luckily for you, Linux exposes a set of different commands in order to archive, compress, uncompress and extract files from an archive.

In this tutorial, you will learn more about the tar command as well as the different compression methods that can be used in order to save space on Linux.


Archive files on Linux using tar

Tar is a very popular command among system administrators.

Sometimes referred as tarball, tar was historically used to write data to devices that did not have file systems at the time.

As a consequence, the tar command was introduced in 1979 in order to replace the “tp” program that was used back then.

Nowadays, the tar command is widely used in order to archive files (meaning putting files together in a single archive).

To archive files on Linux using tar, run “tar” with the “cvf” options.

$ tar -cvf archive.tar file1 file2 directory1 directory2


In this case, we used three different options :

  • -c : for create archive, a pretty self-explanatory option if you want to create a new archive made from the files selected;
  • -v : for verbose, this is the reason why the command displays the files added to the archive when executing it;
  • -f : for file, this option is used in order to specify the filename of the archive we want to create (in this case archive.tar)

Those options are probably the most important options for archiving files on Linux.

When running the tar command with the “-f” flag, a new archive was created in your current working directory.

$ ls -l
total 20
-rw-rw-r-- 1 schkn schkn 10240 Nov  9 10:41 archive.tar
drwxrwxr-x 2 schkn schkn  4096 Nov  9 10:41 directory1
drwxrwxr-x 2 schkn schkn  4096 Nov  9 10:41 directory2
-rw-rw-r-- 1 schkn schkn     0 Nov  9 10:41 file1
-rw-rw-r-- 1 schkn schkn     0 Nov  9 10:41 file2

As you can see, the size of the archive is bigger than the sum of the files in it.


Creating a tar archive does not simply put files and directories in a big box : an archive is also a special file made of special file headers that may take a substantial amount of space.

As a consequence, your archive is way bigger than the sum of the files in it.

This is a very important fact because we are able to understand that archiving files does not mean that your files are compressed in it.

In order to compress files when archiving, you need to provide other options to the tar command.

File compression will be explained in the next chapters.

Extract files using tar on Linux

Now that you have created an archive file, you may want to extract the files located in your archive.

To extract files using the tar command, append the “-x” option instead of the initial “-c” option.

$ tar -xvf archive.tar


Note that extracting your files does not mean that the archive will be deleted from your current working directory.

$ ls -l

total 28
-rw-rw-r-- 1 schkn schkn 10240 Nov  9 12:01 archive.tar
drwxrwxr-x 2 schkn schkn  4096 Nov  9 10:41 directory1
drwxrwxr-x 2 schkn schkn  4096 Nov  9 10:41 directory2
-rw-rw-r-- 1 schkn schkn     0 Nov  9 12:00 file1
-rw-rw-r-- 1 schkn schkn     0 Nov  9 10:41 file2

When extracting files on Linux, there a little gotcha that you need to be aware of.

If a file on the current working directory has the same name as a file inside the archive, the content of the file in the working directory will be replaced with the one from the archive.

In order to illustrate it, add some content to one of your file, extract your files and re-inspect the content of your file again.

$ echo "Added some content to the file" > file1

$ tar -xvf archive.tar

$ cat file1

Comparing local files with archive files

In order to prevent data to be erased during the process, the tar command can compare files located in your current working directory with files in your archive.

Back to the example we discussed earlier, let’s add some content back to the “file1” file.

$ echo "Added some content to the file" > file1

In order to compare files with tar, use the “-d” option.

$ tar -dvf archive.tar

file1: Mod time differs
file1: Size differs

As you can see, tar will compare timestamps and more specifically the latest modification date of the file.

If the modification date of the local file is more recent than the one from the archive file, the tar command will display a notice showing that the modification time differs.

Similarly, tar can inspect file sizes and highlight size differences between your files.

In order to avoid erasing your files, you can use the star command which is a great alternative to the existing tar command.

Prevent file overwriting using star

By default, the star utility might not be installed on your system.

In order to install the star utility, run the YUM utility

$ sudo yum install star

Then, in order to archive files with star, simply run “star” with the “-c” option.

$ star -c -f=archive.tar file1 file2

Then, you can use the gzip or gunzip utility in order to compress your new archive.

$ gzip archive.tar

As a consequence, the initial tar file will be transformed into a tar.gz archive.

Now if you were to create a file with the exact same name, the star utility would not overwrite it by default.

$ echo "This is some content" > file1

$ gzip -d archive.tar.gz

$ star -x -f=archive.tar
star: current 'file1' newer.
star: current 'file2' newer.
star: 1 blocks + 0 bytes (total of 10240 bytes = 10.00k).

$ cat file1
This is some content

Quite handy when you are afraid of losing your content!

Compressing files using gzip on Linux

Now that you have your tar archive ready, the next step is to compress it in order to reduce its size.

For that, we are first going to use the gzip utility.

By default, the gzip utility should be installed, but if this is not the case, make sure to install it depending on your distribution.

$ sudo apt-get install gzip

$ sudo yum install gzip

Now that gzip is installed, run “gzip” and pass the archive you just created as an argument.

$ gzip archive.tar

Running the gzip command will create a tar.gz file in the current working directory.

Most importantly, the initial tar file will be upgraded to a tar.gz so you won’t have the initial archive anymore.

$ ls -l
total 12
-rw-rw-r-- 1 schkn schkn  184 Nov  9 10:41 archive.tar.gz
drwxrwxr-x 2 schkn schkn 4096 Nov  9 10:41 directory1
drwxrwxr-x 2 schkn schkn 4096 Nov  9 10:41 directory2
-rw-rw-r-- 1 schkn schkn    0 Nov  9 10:41 file1
-rw-rw-r-- 1 schkn schkn    0 Nov  9 10:41 file2

As you can see, the file size was dramastically reduced from 10 Kb to a stunning 184 bytes, gzip reduced the filesize by over 98%.

However, if you don’t want to use the gzip utility, you can also compress files using the tar command with options.

Do you think it can improve the compression rate?

Compressing files on Linux using tar

As mentionned in the first section, the tar command can be used in order to archive and compress files in one line.

In order to compress files with tar, simply add the “-z” option to your current set of options.

$ tar -cvzf archive1.tar.gz file1 file2 directory1 directory2

Similarly to the first tar command that you have run, a new compressed archive file will be created in your current working directory.

To inspect files created, simply run the “ls” command again.

$ ls -l
total 28
-rw-rw-r-- 1 schkn schkn   184 Nov  9 10:41 archive.tar.gz
-rw-rw-r-- 1 schkn schkn   172 Nov  9 11:10 archive1.tar.gz
drwxrwxr-x 2 schkn schkn  4096 Nov  9 10:41 directory1
drwxrwxr-x 2 schkn schkn  4096 Nov  9 10:41 directory2
-rw-rw-r-- 1 schkn schkn     0 Nov  9 10:41 file1
-rw-rw-r-- 1 schkn schkn     0 Nov  9 10:41 file2

Now as you can see, the compressed archive created is slightly lighter than the one created with gzip.

Compressing files using bzip2

Most of the time, the gzip command is used in order to compress files or archives.

However, this is not historically the only compression method available in software engineering : you can also use bzip2.

The main difference between gzip and bzip2 is in the fact the gzip uses the LZ77 compression algorithm while bzip2 uses the Burrows-Wheeler algorithm.

Bzip2 is known to be quite slower than the gzip algorithm, however it can be handy in some cases to know how to compress using bzip2.

To compress files using bzip2, simply run “bzip2” with the filename that you want to compress.

$ bzip2 archive.tar

In order to decompress files compressed using bzip2, simply append the “-d” option to your command.

$ bzip -d archive.tar.bz2

Alternatively, you can create bz2 archives using the tar command and by specifying the “-j” option.

$ tar -cjf archive.tar.gz2 file1 file2

Using tar, you have the option to compress using a wide panel of different compression methods :

  • -j : compress a file using the bz2 compression method;
  • -J : uses the xz compression utility;
  • –lzip : uses the lzip compression utility;
  • –lzma : uses the lzma compression utility;
  • –lzop : uses lzop to compresss files
  • -z : equivalent to the gzip or gunzip utility.


In this tutorial, you learnt how you can archive and compress files using the tar utility on Linux.

You also learnt about the different compression methods available and how they can be used in order to reduce the size of your files and directories.

If you are curious about Linux system administration, we have a complete section dedicated to it on the website, so make sure to have a look.