How to Move Files and Directories in Linux with mv Command

Mv is one of the Linux commands that must be learned. Mv stands for transferring files or directories from one place to another and is primarily used for moving them.

The syntax is similar to the cp command in Linux, but there is a fundamental distinction between these two commands.

The cp command can be called a copy-paste method. The mv instruction, while the cut-paste process can be equivalent.

This means the file or directory is transferred to a different location using the mv command on a file or directory. The source file/directory is no longer there.

mv Command How can you use it?

The mv(transfer) command will move files and directories from place to place. It is also ideal for renaming files and folders.

mv [OPTIONS] source destination
  • The source may be a single file or directory in the above command. The destination is always a single file or directory.
  • When we have several files or folders, it is always a directory destination. Both source files and folders, in this case, are transferred to the directory of the destination. When we have a single source file and a destination directory, the file is transferred to the target folder.
  • One crucial point is that when we transfer files and folders, we will obtain permission refused if we don’t have written permissions both for the source and destination.

mv mv image.png PNG

The current working directory transfers the image.png file to the PNG folder in the current work directory.

The original filename is renamed as the destination file if the destination directory isn’t present.

The image.png file is called PNG if it is not present in the existing working directory.

Transfer several folders and files

Specify the files you want to transfer as the source to move several files and folders. For instance, you would type to transfer file1 and file2 to the directory dir1:

mv File1 File2 dir1

You can also use pattern matching with the mv button. For, e.g., you would like to transfer all pdf files to the ~/Documents directory from the existing directory:

mv *.pdf ~/Documents

Drag a folder inside a separate folder with the mv command
We may use the following command to transfer a directory within another directory:

mv mv abcd abcd_New

It passes the abcd directory to another abcd New directory in our existing working directory.
The source directory is reset to the destination directory if the destination directory is not present.

How to transfer several files to another directory:
All source files and the path to the target directory are defined to transfer several files within a different directory.

mv <source(source)file path 3>

Our current working directory transfers the files 1.jpg, 2.jpg, and 2.png into a separate image directory in the current working directory.

Within a directory, we can transfer multiple files using regular expressions that match the filenames to be transferred.

Mv *jpg JPG

All files with mv backup:
We use the -b option to back up current files. It is intended to create a backup of the overwritten ~ character file with the attached backup file name.

mv -b a.jpg 1.jpg


File rename

The mv command is essential for file renaming. The source file shall be renamed to the target file if you are using an mv command and specify a file name in your destination.
mv source_file target directory/target file

Suppose the target file does not exist in the target directory. In that case, the target file will be generated in the above case.

However, it overwrites without asking if the target file already exists. This means that with the source file’s content, the content of the current target file will be modified.

OverRight file when moving:

The existing file contents would be automatically overridden if a file is transferred and there is already a file with the same name.

In all cases, this might not be optimal. The overwriting scenario is available in a variety of ways.
You may use the -n option to avoid overwriting existing files. So mv will not overwrite the current file.

mv -n source_file target_directory

Forced movement of the file:

If you are shielded from writing the target file, you will be required to check until the target file is overwritten.

mv file1.txt target
Mv: substitute 'target/file1.txt' for 0444 overriding (r—r—r—) mode?

You may use the force option -f to bypass this prompt and overwrite the file immediately.

mv -f File1.txt target
How To Install Logstash on Ubuntu 18.04 and Debian 9

How To Install Logstash on Ubuntu 18.04 and Debian 9 | Tutorial on Logstash Configuration

Are you searching various websites to learn How To Install Logstash on Ubuntu 18.04 and Debian 9? Then, this tutorial is the best option for you all as it covers the detailed steps to install and configure the Logstash on Ubuntu 18.4 and Debian 9. If you are browsing this tutorial, it is apparently because you preferred to bring Logstash into your infrastructure. Logstash is a powerful tool, but you have to install and configure it properly so make use of this tutorial efficiently.

What is Logstash?

Logstash is a lightweight, open-source, server-side data processing pipeline that lets you get data from different sources, transform it on the fly, and send it to your aspired destination. It is used as a data processing pipeline for Elasticsearch, an open-source analytics and search engine that points at analyzing log ingestion, parsing, filtering, and redirecting.

Why do we use Logstash?

We use Logstash because Logstash provides a set of plugins that can easily be bound to various targets in order to gather logs from them. Moreover, Logstash provides a very expressive template language, that makes it very easy for developers to manipulate, truncate or transform data streams.

Logstash is part of the ELK stack: Elasticsearch – Logstash – Kibana but tools can be used independently.

With the recent release of the ELK stack v7.x, installation guides need to be updated for recent distributions like Ubuntu 18.04 and Debian 9.

Do Check: 


  • Java version 8 or 11 (required for Logstash installation)
  • A Linux system running Ubuntu 20.04 or 18.04
  • Access to a terminal window/command line (Search > Terminal)
  • A user account with sudo or root privileges

Steps to Install install Logstash on Ubuntu and Debian

The following are the steps to install Logstash on Ubuntu and Debian: 

1 – Install the latest version of Java

Logstash, as every single tool of the ELK stack, needs Java to run properly.

In order to check whether you have Java or not, run the following command:

$ java -version
openjdk version "11.0.3" 2019-04-16
OpenJDK Runtime Environment (build 11.0.3+7-Ubuntu-1ubuntu218.04.1)
OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (build 11.0.3+7-Ubuntu-1ubuntu218.04.1, mixed mode, sharing)

If you don’t have Java on your computer, you should have the following output.


You can install it by running this command.

$ sudo apt-get install default-jre

Make sure that you now have Java installed via the first command that we run.

2 – Add the GPG key to install signed packages

In order to make sure that you are getting official versions of Logstash, you have to download the public signing key and you have to install it.

To do so, run the following commands.

$ wget -qO - | sudo apt-key add -

On Debian, install the apt-transport-https package.

$ sudo apt-get install apt-transport-https

To conclude, add the Elastic package repository to your own repository list.

$ echo "deb stable main" | sudo tee -a /etc/apt/sources.list.d/elastic-7.x.list

3 – Install Logstash with apt

Now that Elastic repositories are added to your repository list, it is time to install the latest version of Logstash on our system.

$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get install logstash


This directive will :

  • create a logstash user
  • create a logstash group
  • create a dedicated service file for Logstash

From there, running Logstash installation should have created a service on your instance.

To check Logstash service health, run the following command.
On Ubuntu and Debian, equipped with system

$ sudo systemctl status logstash

Enable your new service on boot up and start it.

$ sudo systemctl enable logstash
$ sudo systemctl start logstash

Having your service running is just fine, but you can double-check it by verifying that Logstash is actually listening on its default port, which is 5044.

Run a simple netstat command, you should have the same output.

$ sudo lsof -i -P -n | grep logstash
java      28872        logstash   56u  IPv6 1160098302      0t0  TCP > (ESTABLISHED)
java      28872        logstash   61u  IPv4 1160098304      0t0  UDP
java      28872        logstash   79u  IPv6 1160098941      0t0  TCP (LISTEN)

As you can tell, Logstash is actively listening for connections on ports 10514 on UDP and 9600 on TCP. It is important to note if you were to forward your logs (from rsyslog to Logstash for example, either by UDP or by TCP).

On Debian and Ubuntu, here’s the content of the service file.


# Load env vars from /etc/default/ and /etc/sysconfig/ if they exist.
# Prefixing the path with '-' makes it try to load, but if the file doesn't
# exist, it continues onward.
ExecStart=/usr/share/logstash/bin/logstash "--path.settings" "/etc/logstash"


The environment file (located at /etc/default/logstash) contains many of the variables necessary for Logstash to run.

If you wanted to tweak your Logstash installation, for example, to change your configuration path, this is the file that you would change.

4 – Personalize Logstash with configuration files

In this step, you need to perform two more steps like as follows:

a – Understanding Logstash configuration files

Before personalizing your configuration files, there is a concept that you need to understand about configuration files.

Pipelines configuration files

In Logstash, you define what we called pipelines. A pipeline is composed of :

  • An input: where you take your data from, it can be Syslog, Apache, or NGINX for example;
  • A filter: a transformation that you would apply to your data; sometimes you may want to mutate your data, or to remove some fields from the final output.
  • An output: where you are going to send your data, most of the time Elasticsearch, but it can be modified to send a wide variety of different sources.

a – Understanding Logstash configuration files

Those pipelines are defined in configuration files.

In order to define those “pipeline configuration files“, you are going to create “pipeline files” in the /etc/logstash/conf.d directory.

Logstash general configuration file

But with Logstash, you also have standard configuration files, that configure Logstash itself.

This file is located at /etc/logstash/logstash.yml. The general configuration files define many variables, but most importantly you want to define your log path variable and data path variable.

b – Writing your own pipeline configuration file

For this part, we are going to keep it very simple.

We are going to build a very basic logging pipeline between rsyslog and stdout.

Every single log process via rsyslog will be printed to the shell running Logstash.

As Elastic documentation highlighted it, it can be quite useful to test pipeline configuration files and see immediately what they are giving as an output.

If you are looking for a complete rsyslog to Logstash to Elasticsearch tutorial, here’s a link for it.

To do so, head over to the /etc/logstash/conf.d directory and create a new file named “syslog.conf

$ cd /etc/logstash/conf.d/
$ sudo vi syslog.conf

Paste the following content inside.

input {
  udp {
    host => ""
    port => 10514
    codec => "json"
    type => "rsyslog"

filter { }

output {
  stdout { }

As you probably guessed, Logstash is going to listen to incoming Syslog messages on port 10514 and it is going to print it directly in the terminal.

To forward rsyslog messages to port 10514, head over to your /etc/rsyslog.conf file, and add this line at the top of the file.

*.*         @


Now in order to debug your configuration, you have to locate the logstash binary on your instance.

To do so, run a simple whereis command.

$ whereis -b logstash

Now that you have located your logstash binary, shut down your service and run logstash locally, with the configuration file that you are trying to verify.

$ sudo systemctl stop logstash
$ cd /usr/share/logstash/bin
$ ./logstash -f /etc/logstash/conf.d/syslog.conf

Within a couple of seconds, you should now see the following output on your terminal.


Note : if you have any syntax errors in your pipeline configuration files, you would also be notified.

As a quick example, I removed one bracket from my configuration file. Here’s the output that I got.


5 – Monitoring Logstash using the Monitoring API

There are multiple ways to monitor a Logstash instance:

  • Using the Monitoring API provided by Logstash itself
  • By configuring the X-Pack tool and sending retrieved data to an Elasticsearch cluster
  • By visualizing data into dedicated panels of Kibana (such as the pipeline viewer for example)

In this chapter, we are going to focus on the Monitoring API, as the other methods require the entire ELK stack installed on your computer to work properly.

a – Gathering general information about Logstash

First, we are going to run a very basic command to get general information about our Logstash instance.

Run the following command on your instance:

$ curl -XGET 'localhost:9600/?pretty'
  "host" : "devconnected-ubuntu",
  "version" : "7.2.0",
  "http_address" : "",
  "id" : "05cfb06f-a652-402c-8da1-f7275fb06312",
  "name" : "devconnected-ubuntu",
  "ephemeral_id" : "871ccf4a-5233-4265-807b-8a305d349745",
  "status" : "green",
  "snapshot" : false,
  "build_date" : "2019-06-20T17:29:17+00:00",
  "build_sha" : "a2b1dbb747289ac122b146f971193cfc9f7a2f97",
  "build_snapshot" : false

If you are not running Logstash on the conventional 9600 port, make sure to adjust the previous command.

From the command, you get the hostname, the current version running, as well as the current HTTP address currently used by Logstash.

You also get a status property (green, yellow, or red) that has already been explained in the tutorial about setting up an Elasticsearch cluster.

b – Retrieving Node Information

If you are managing an Elasticsearch cluster, there is a high chance that you may want to get detailed information about every single node in your cluster.

For this API, you have three choices:

  • pipelines: in order to get detailed information about pipeline statistics.
  • jvm: to see current JVM statistics for this specific node
  • os: to get information about the OS running your current node.

To retrieve node information on your cluster, issue the following command:

$ curl -XGET 'localhost:9600/_node/pipelines'
  "host": "schkn-ubuntu",
  "version": "7.2.0",
  "http_address": "",
  "id": "05cfb06f-a652-402c-8da1-f7275fb06312",
  "name": "schkn-ubuntu",
  "ephemeral_id": "871ccf4a-5233-4265-807b-8a305d349745",
  "status": "green",
  "snapshot": false,
  "pipelines": {
    "main": {
      "ephemeral_id": "808952db-5d23-4f63-82f8-9a24502e6103",
      "hash": "2f55ef476c3d425f4bd887011f38bbb241991f166c153b283d94483a06f7c550",
      "workers": 2,
      "batch_size": 125,
      "batch_delay": 50,
      "config_reload_automatic": false,
      "config_reload_interval": 3000000000,
      "dead_letter_queue_enabled": false,
      "cluster_uuids": []

Here is an example for the OS request:

$ curl -XGET 'localhost:9600/_node/os'
  "host": "schkn-ubuntu",
  "version": "7.2.0",
  "http_address": "",
  "id": "05cfb06f-a652-402c-8da1-f7275fb06312",
  "name": "schkn-ubuntu",
  "ephemeral_id": "871ccf4a-5233-4265-807b-8a305d349745",
  "status": "green",
  "snapshot": false,
  "os": {
    "name": "Linux",
    "arch": "amd64",
    "version": "4.15.0-42-generic",
    "available_processors": 2

c – Retrieving Logstash Hot Threads

Hot Threads are threads that are using a large amount of CPU power or that have an execution time that is greater than normal and standard execution times.

To retrieve hot threads, run the following command:

$ curl -XGET 'localhost:9600/_node/hot_threads?pretty'
  "host" : "schkn-ubuntu",
  "version" : "7.2.0",
  "http_address" : "",
  "id" : "05cfb06f-a652-402c-8da1-f7275fb06312",
  "name" : "schkn-ubuntu",
  "ephemeral_id" : "871ccf4a-5233-4265-807b-8a305d349745",
  "status" : "green",
  "snapshot" : false,
  "hot_threads" : {
    "time" : "2019-07-22T18:52:45+00:00",
    "busiest_threads" : 10,
    "threads" : [ {
      "name" : "[main]>worker1",
      "thread_id" : 22,
      "percent_of_cpu_time" : 0.13,
      "state" : "timed_waiting",
      "traces" : [ "java.base@11.0.3/jdk.internal.misc.Unsafe.park(Native Method)"...]
    } ]

Installing Logstash on macOS with Homebrew

Elastic issues Homebrew formulae thus you can install Logstash with the Homebrew package manager.

In order to install with Homebrew, firstly, you should tap the Elastic Homebrew repository:

brew tap elastic/tap

Once you have clicked on the Elastic Homebrew repo, you can utilize brew install to install the default distribution of Logstash:

brew install elastic/tap/logstash-full

The above syntax installs the latest released default distribution of Logstash. If you want to install the OSS distribution, define this elastic/tap/logstash-oss.

Starting Logstash with Homebrew

To have launched start elastic/tap/logstash-full now and restart at login, run:

brew services start elastic/tap/logstash-full

To run Logstash, in the forefront, run:


Going Further

Now that you have all the basics about Logstash, it is time for you to build your own pipeline configuration files and start stashing logs.

I highly suggest that you verify Filebeat, which gives a lightweight shipper for logs and that simply be customized in order to build a centralized logging system for your infrastructure.

One of the key features of Filebeat is that it provides a back-pressure sensitive protocol, which essentially means that you are able to regulate the number that you receive.

This is a key point, as you take the risk of overloading your centralized server by pushing too much data to it.

For those who are interested in Filebeat, here’s a video about it.

Tcpdump Command in Linux

tcpdump is a command-line utility that you can manage to capture and examine network traffic going to and from your system. It is the most regularly used tool amongst network administrators for troubleshooting network issues and security testing.

Notwithstanding its name, with tcpdump, you can also catch non-TCP traffic such as UDP, ARP, or ICMP. The captured packets can be written to a file or standard output. One of the most critical features of the tcpdump command is its capacity to use filters and charge only the data you wish to analyze.

In this article, you will learn the basics of how to use the tcpdump command in Linux.

Installing tcpdump

tcpdump is installed by default on most Linux distributions and macOS. To check if the tcpdump command is available on your system type:

$ tcpdump --version

The output should look something like this:


tcpdump version 4.9.2

libpcap version 1.8.1

OpenSSL 1.1.1b 26 Feb 2019

If tcpdump is not present on your system, the command above will print “tcpdump: command not found.” You can easily install tcpdump using the package manager of your distro.

Installing tcpdump on Ubuntu and Debian

$ sudo apt update && sudo apt install tcpdump

Installing tcpdump on CentOS and Fedora

$ sudo yum install tcpdump

Installing tcpdump on Arch Linux

$ sudo pacman -S tcpdump

Capturing Packets with tcpdump

The general syntax for the tcpdump command is as follows:

tcpdump [options] [expression]

  • The command options allow you to control the behavior of the command.
  • The filter expression defines which packets will be captured.

Only root or user with sudo privileges can run tcpdump. If you try to run the command as an unprivileged user, you’ll get an error saying: “You don’t have permission to capture on that device.”

The most simple use case is to invoke tcpdump without any options and filters:

$ sudo tcpdump

tcpdump: verbose output suppressed, use -v or -vv for full protocol decode

listening on ens3, link-type EN10MB (Ethernet), capture size 262144 bytes

15:47:24.248737 IP linuxize-host.ssh > desktop-machine.39196: Flags [P.], seq 201747193:201747301, ack 1226568763, win 402, options [nop,nop,TS val 1051794587 ecr 2679218230], length 108

15:47:24.248785 IP linuxize-host.ssh > desktop-machine.39196: Flags [P.], seq 108:144, ack 1, win 402, options [nop,nop,TS val 1051794587 ecr 2679218230], length 36

15:47:24.248828 IP linuxize-host.ssh > desktop-machine.39196: Flags [P.], seq 144:252, ack 1, win 402, options [nop,nop,TS val 1051794587 ecr 2679218230], length 108

... Long output suppressed

23116 packets captured

23300 packets received by filter

184 packets dropped by kernel

tcpdump will continue to capture packets and write to the standard output until it receives an interrupt signal. Use the Ctrl+C key combination to send an interrupt signal and stop the command.

For more verbose output, pass the -v option, or -vv for even more verbose output:

$ sudo tcpdump -vv

You can specify the number of packets to be captured using the -c option. For example, to capture only ten packets, you would type:

$ sudo tcpdump -c 10

After capturing the packets, tcpdump will stop.

When no interface is specified, tcpdump uses the first interface it finds and dumps all packets going through that interface.

Use the -D option to print a list of all available network interfaces that tcpdump can collect packets from:

$ sudo tcpdump -D

For each interface, the command prints the interface name, a short description, and an associated index (number):


1.ens3 [Up, Running]

2.any (Pseudo-device that captures on all interfaces) [Up, Running]

3.lo [Up, Running, Loopback]

The output above shows that ens3 is the first interface found by tcpdump and used when no interface is provided to the command. The second interface any is a special device that allows you to capture all active interfaces.

To specify the interface you want to capture traffic, invoke the command with the -i option followed by the interface name or the associated index. For example, to capture all packets from all interfaces, you would specify any interface:

$ sudo tcpdump -i any

By default, tcpdump performs reverse DNS resolution on IP addresses and translates port numbers into names. Use the -n option to disable the translation:

$ sudo tcpdump -n

Skipping the DNS lookup avoids generating DNS traffic and makes the output more readable. It is recommended to use this option whenever you invoke tcpdump.

Instead of displaying the output on the screen, you can redirect it to a file using the redirection operators > and >>:

 $ sudo tcpdump -n -i any > file.out

You can also watch the data while saving it to a file using the tee command:

$ sudo tcpdump -n -l | tee file.out

The -l option in the command above tells tcpdump to make the output line buffered. When this option is not used, the output will not be written on the screen when a new line is generated.

Understanding the tcpdump Output

tcpdump outputs information for each captured packet on a new line. Each line includes a timestamp and information about that packet, depending on the protocol.

The typical format of a TCP protocol line is as follows:

[Timestamp] [Protocol] [Src IP].[Src Port] > [Dst IP].[Dst Port]: [Flags], [Seq], [Ack], [Win Size], [Options], [Data Length]

Let’s go field by field and explain the following line:

15:47:24.248737 IP > Flags [P.], seq 201747193:201747301, ack 1226568763, win 402, options [nop,nop,TS val 1051794587 ecr 2679218230], length 108

  • 15:47:24.248737 – The timestamp of the captured packet is local and uses the following format: hours:minutes: seconds. Frac, where frac is fractions of a second since midnight.
  • IP – The packet protocol. In this case, IP means the Internet protocol version 4 (IPv4).
  • – The source IP address and port, separated by a dot (.).
  • – The destination IP address and port, separated by a dot (.).
  • Flags [P.] – TCP Flags field. In this example, [P.] means Push Acknowledgment packet, which acknowledges the previous packet and sends data. Other typical flag field values are as follows:
    • [.] – ACK (Acknowledgment)
    • [S] – SYN (Start Connection)
    • [P] – PSH (Push Data)
    • [F] – FIN (Finish Connection)
    • [R] – RST (Reset Connection)
    • [S.] – SYN-ACK (SynAcK Packet)
  • seq 201747193:201747301 – The sequence number is in the first: last notation. It shows the number of data contained in the packet. Except for the first packet in the data stream where these numbers are absolute, all subsequent packets use as relative byte positions. In this example, the number is 201747193:201747301, meaning that this packet contains bytes 201747193 to 201747301 of the data stream. Use the -S option to print absolute sequence numbers.
  • Ack 1226568763 The acknowledgment number is the sequence number of the next data expected by the other end of this connection.
  • Win 402 – The window number is the number of available bytes in the receiving buffer.
  • options [nop,nop,TS val 1051794587 ecr 2679218230] – TCP options. or “no operation,” is padding used to make the TCP header multiple of 4 bytes. TS val is a TCP timestamp, and ecr stands for an echo reply. Visit the IANA documentation for more information about TCP options.
  • length 108 – The length of payload data

tcpdump Filters

When tcpdump is invoked with no filters, it captures all traffic and produces a tremendous output, making it very difficult to find and analyze the packets of interest.

Filters are one of the most powerful features of the tcpdump command. They since they allow you to capture only those packets matching the expression. For example, when troubleshooting issues related to a web server, you can use filters to obtain only the HTTP traffic.

tcpdump uses the Berkeley Packet Filter (BPF) syntax to filter the captured packets using various machining parameters such as protocols, source and destination IP addresses and ports, etc.

In this article, we’ll take a look at some of the most common filters. For a list of all available filters, check the pcap-filter manpage.

Filtering by Protocol

To restrict the capture to a particular protocol, specify the protocol as a filter. For example, to capture only the UDP traffic, you would run:

sudo tcpdump -n udp

Another way to define the protocol is to use the proto qualifier, followed by the protocol number. The following command will filter the protocol number 17 and produce the same result as the one above:

sudo tcpdump -n proto 17

For more information about the numbers, check the IP protocol numbers list.

Filtering by Host

To capture only packets related to a specific host, use the host qualifier:

$ sudo tcpdump -n host

The host can be either an IP address or a name.

You can also filter the output to a given IP range using the net qualifier. For example, to dump only packets related to, you would use:

$ sudo tcpdump -n net 10.10

Filtering by Port

To limit capture only to packets from or to a specific port, use the port qualifier. The command below captures packets related to the SSH (port 22) service by using this command:

$ sudo tcpdump -n port 23

The port range qualifier allows you to capture traffic in a range of ports:

sudo tcpdump -n port range 110-150

Filtering by Source and Destination

You can also filter packets based on the origin or target port or host using src, dst, src and dst, and src or dst qualifiers.

The following command captures coming packets from a host with IP

sudo tcpdump -n src host

To find the traffic coming from any source to port 80, you would use:

sudo tcpdump -n dst port 80

Complex Filters

Filters can be mixed using the and (&&), or (||), and not (!) operators.

For example, to catch all HTTP traffic coming from a source IP address, you would use this command:

sudo tcpdump -n src and tcp port 80

You can also use parentheses to group and create more complex filters:

$ sudo tcpdump -n 'host and (tcp port 80 or tcp port 443)'

To avoid parsing errors when using special characters, enclose the filters inside single quotes.

Here is another example command to capture all traffic except SSH from a source IP address

$ sudo tcpdump -n src and not dst port 22

Packet Inspection

By default tcpdump, catches only the packet headers. However, sometimes you may need to examine the content of the packets.

tcpdump enables you to print the content of the packets in ASCII and HEX.

The -A option tells tcpdump to print each packet in ASCII and -x in HEX:

$ sudo tcpdump -n -A

To show the packet’s contents in both HEX and ASCII, use the -X option:

$ sudo tcpdump -n -X

Reading and Writing Captures to a File

Another useful feature of tcpdump is to write the packets to a file.

This is handy when you are taking a large number of packages or carrying packets for later analysis.

To start writing to a file, use the -w option followed by the output capture file:

$ sudo tcpdump -n -w data.pcap

This command up will save the capture to a file named data. pcap. You can name the file as you want, but it is a standard protocol to use the .pcap extension (packet capture).

When the -w option is used, the output is not represented on the screen. tcpdump writes raw packets and generates a binary file that cannot be read with a regular text editor.

To inspect the contents of the file, request tcpdump with the -r option:

$ sudo tcpdump -r data.pcap

If you need to run tcpdump in the background, add the ampersand symbol (&) at the command end.

The capture file can also be examined with other packet analyzer tools such as Wireshark.

When obtaining packets over a long period, you can allow file rotation. tcpdump enables you to generate new files and rotate the dump file on a defined time interval or fixed size. The following command will create up to ten 200MB files, named file.pcap0, file.pcap1, and so on: before overwriting older files.

$ sudo tcpdump -n -W 10 -C 200 -w /tmp/file.pcap

Once ten files are created, the older files will be overwritten.

Please take care that you should only run tcpdump only during troubleshooting issues.

If you need to start tcpdump at a particular time, you can use a cronjob. tcpdump does not have an alternative to exit after a given time. You can use the timeout command to stop tcpdump after any time. For example, to exit after 5 minutes, you would use:

$ sudo timeout 300 tcpdump -n -w data.pcap


To analyze and troubleshoot network related issues, the tcpdump command-line tool is used.

This article presented you with the basics of tcpdump usage and syntax. If you have any queries related to tcpdump, feel free to contact us.

Pwd Command in Linux (Current Working Directory)

Among those who work with Linux, the command’ pwd’ is very helpful that tells the directory you are in, starting from the root directory (/). For Linux newbies, who may get lost amid the wide variety of directories found on the command line, ‘pwd’ (Print Working Directory) comes to the rescue. ‘pwd ‘stands for ‘print working directory’ As you can tell, the command ‘pwd ‘prints where the user is currently at. It prints the current directory name, combined with the complete path, with the root folder listed first. This manual command is built into the shell and is available on most of the shells.

If both ‘-L ‘and ‘-P’ options are used, option ‘L ‘is taken into priority. If a choice isn’t specified at the prompt, pwd will only traverse symbolic links, i.e., take option -P into consideration. Using the pwd command, we will demonstrate how to identify your current working directory.

What is the working directory?

The working directory is that in which the user is currently working. When you are working in the command prompt each time, you are in a directory. The default directory in which a Linux system opens when it is first booted is a user’s home directory. Change directories by using the cd command to delete any file from the current working directory (root directory), you would type:

$ cd /tmp

If you have a customized shell prompt, the path to your current working directory may be displayed.



pwd Command

The pwd command is “print working directory.” It is one of the essential and most commonly used Linux commands. When this command is invoked, the complete path to the current working directory will be displayed. The /pwd command is a command introduced in most modern shells such as bash and zsh. The standalone/bin/pwd is not the same as the /bin/pwd executable. The type command lets you display all files containing the “pwd” string.

$ type -a pwd

pwd refers to the shell builtin.

pwd is /bin/pwd

From the output, you can see the built-in Bash function ‘pwd’ has priority over the Bash standalone program and is used whenever you enter ‘pwd.’ If you wish to use the /bin/pwd standalone executable, enter the full path you saved the binary file how to change your current directory.

To find out the current directory, type pwd in your terminal and press return.

$ pwd

The resulting outputs will look similar to this.


The pwd command determines the path of the PWD environment variable. The final output will be the same if you write:

$ echo $PWD


The pwd command accepts only two arguments:

  • -L (—logical) – Do not resolve symlinks.
  • -P (—physical) – Display the physical directory without any symbolic links.

If no passphrase is specified, pwd behaves as if the -L option is specified.

To illustrate the operation of the -P option, I will create a directory and symlink.

$ mkdir /tmp/directoryln

$ -s /tmp/directory /tmp/symlink

Now, if you want navigate to the /tmp/symlink directory and you type pwd in your terminal:

$ pwd

The output shows your current working directory: /tmp/symlink

If you run the same command using -P option: $ pwd -P

The command will print the directory to which the symlink points to: /tmp/directory


The working directory is the current directory that your terminal is in. The pwd command lets you know where you are right now. If you have any kind of issues or comments, we would be delighted to hear them.

Linux Tee Command with Examples

The tee command records from the regular input and writes both standard output and one or more files simultaneously. Tee is frequently used in sequence with other commands through piping.

In this article, we will cover the basics of working the tee command.

tee Command Syntax

The syntax for the tee command is as below:


Where OPTIONS can be:

    • -a (–append) – Do not overwrite the files; instead, affix to the given files.
    • -i (–ignore-interrupts) – Ignore interrupt signals.
    • Use tee –help to view all available options.
  • FILE_NAMES – One or more files. Each of which the output data is written to

 How to Use the tee Command

The tee command’s most basic method represents the standard output (stdout) of a program and writing it in a file.

In the below example, we use the df command to get information about the available disk space on the file system. The output is piped to the tee command, expressing the result to the terminal, and writes the same information to the file disk_usage.txt.

$ df -h | tee disk_usage.txt


Filesystem      Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on

dev             7.8G     0  7.8G   0% /dev

run             7.9G  1.8M  7.9G   1% /run

/dev/nvme0n1p3  212G  159G   43G  79% /

tmpfs           7.9G  357M  7.5G   5% /dev/shm

tmpfs           7.9G     0  7.9G   0% /sys/fs/cgroup

tmpfs           7.9G   15M  7.9G   1% /tmp

/dev/nvme0n1p1  511M  107M  405M  21% /boot

/dev/sda1       459G  165G  271G  38% /data

tmpfs           1.6G   16K  1.6G   1% /run/user/120

Write to Multiple File

By using the tee command, you can write to multiple files also. To do so, define a list of files separated by space as arguments:

$ command | tee file1.out file2.out file3.out

Append to File

By default, the tee command will overwrite the specified file. Use the -a (–append) option to append the output to the file :

$ command | tee -a file.out

Ignore Interrupt

To ignore interrupts use the -i (–ignore-interrupts) option. This is useful when stopping the command during execution with CTRL+C and want the tee to exit gracefully.

$ command | tee -i file.out

Hide the Output

If you don’t want the tee to write to the standard output, you can redirect it to /dev/null:

$ command | tee file.out >/dev/null

Using tee in Conjunction with sudo

Let us say you need to write to a file owned by root as a sudo user. The following command will fail because the redirection of the output is not operated by sudo. The redirection is executed as the unprivileged user.

$ sudo echo "newline" > /etc/file.conf

The output will look something like this:


bash: /etc/file.conf: Permission denied

Prepend sudo before the tee command as shown below:

$ echo "newline" | sudo tee -a /etc/file.conf

the tee will receive the echo command output, upgrade to sudo permissions and then write to the file.

Using tee in combination with sudo enables you to write to files owned by other users.


If you want to read from standard input and writes it to standard output and one or more files, then the tee command is used.

Source Command on Linux Explained

The source command on Linux is a pretty popular function run by system administrators daily.

But what is the function of the source command?

Used to refresh the current shell environment, the source command can also be used in order to import functions into other bash scripts or to run scripts into the current shell environment.

In today’s tutorial, we are going to see how the source command should be used on Linux.

The commands will be executed in a Debian 10 environment with GNOME, but they will work for every distribution.

Source command internals

Before starting, it is important to have a complete understanding of what environment and shell variables are.

By default, on Linux, your system already owns a couple of environment variables to store various information such as the shell to use, your hostname or your current username.

Environment variables are initialized by the system and are inherited by all processes on the system. As a consequence, when you are running a shell instance, you are to get the value of environment variables on your system.

$ echo $USER

On the other hand, shell variables are variables declared within the context of a shell instance and they are not shared with other shells or with child processes.

$ VARIABLE=devconnected
$ echo $VARIABLE

On Linux, when you execute a script, it is most likely executed in a subshell.

As a consequence, you won’t be able to have the variables defined in your first shell running in the script, they simply don’t share the same environment.

This is what the source command solves.

The source command is used in order to evaluate the file passed as an argument in the context of the current execution. Shortened as ‘.’, the source command is mostly used in the context of shells run in terminal windows.

$ source filename [arguments]

Note that when arguments are provided, they are set as positional parameters for the script specified.

Note : the source documentation is located inside the bash documentation. To read it, type “man bash” and search for the source command paragraph.

Source command internals source-documentation

Source to update your current shell environment (.bashrc)

One of the main reasons to use source is to refresh the current shell environment by running the bashrc file.

As a reminder, .bashrc is a script file executed whenever you launch an interactive shell instance.

It is defined on a per-user basis and it is located in your home directory.

Let’s say for example that you want to add a new alias to your shell environment.

Open your .bashrc file and a new entry to it.

alias ll='ls -l'

Now try to run your new alias command directly in the terminal.


As you can see, the changes were not directly applied in your current environment.

For the changes to be applied, run the source command with the .bashrc file as an argument.

$ source ~/.bashrc

An alternative way to do it is to run it with the dot syntax

$ . ~/.bashrc

If you try to execute your alias again, you should be able to run it


Source to execute a script in the current context

As explained before, the source command can be used to execute a script in the context of the current environment.

To illustrate this point, let’s define a local shell variable in your current shell environment.

$ VARIABLE=devconnected

Now, create a new script and paste the following content in it



The VARIABLE variable represents the local shell variable we created before and the LOGNAME variable is an environment variable on your host.

Save your script and give execute permissions to your newly created script (you will need sudo privileges to execute this command)

$ sudo chmod ugo+x <script>

If you try to execute the script, you should see the following result


As you can see, the $VARIABLE local variable was not printed to the standard output.

This is because the script was executed in a subshell having its own set of local variables. The environment variable was printed however.

In order to execute this script in the context of our current shell, we are going to use the source command.


As you can see, in this case, the $VARIABLE variable was correctly printed to the standard output.

Source to import a script function

One of the great features of the source command is to update a script function, allowing a greater reusability of your existing shell functions.

To illustrate this point, let’s take the example of a function that prints the current user to the standard output.

Create a new script file and paste the following content inside.

$ nano script

# Print the current user to the standard output
printUser() {
   echo $USER

Create another script and use the source function in order to import your printUser function.

$ nano import-script

source ./script

Assign the correct permissions to the file you want to execute. You don’t need to have the execute permissions for the file containing the function you want to import.

$ sudo chmod u+x import-script
$ ./import-script

This is what you should see on your screen.


As you can see, the function was correctly imported and executed, printing the name of the current user of my host.

Source to read variables from a file

Another great usage of the source command on Linux is to read variables from a file.

Let’s say for example that you have a file with the following content in a file named “variables

DESCRIPTION="best educational website online"

In another script file, you would be able to use those variables by using the source command to read variables.

Create a script and paste the following content in it.

$ nano variable-script

source ./variables
echo $NAME is a website located at $WEBSITE and it is probably the $DESCRIPTION



In some cases, you may run into errors when trying to source your files using the source command.

Here is a list of the common errors when trying to source files.

Source command not found on Linux

In some cases, you may run into this error

$ source: command not found

Or using sudo, you might also have a source command not found error.

$ sudo: source: command not found

The easy fix here is to execute the command as the root user by using “su”.

$ sudo -s
$ source .bashrc

Note that you can also use the “dot syntax” which is an equivalent to the source command.

$ . .bashrc


In today’s tutorial, you learnt what is the source command on Linux and how you can use to execute scripts in the context of the current environment.

You also learnt that it can be used to import functions or variables from a simple file to a script file.

If you want more tutorials related to Linux system administration, we have a complete category dedicated to it on devconnected. Click on the image below to read them.

How To Change User Password on Debian 10

On Debian 10, users are able to change their password pretty easily.

It is also possible, if you have sudo rights, to change user passwords as well as to define rules for password change on the host.

In this tutorial, we are going to see how you can change the user password on Debian 10 through the command-line and the user interface if you are using a GNOME desktop.

Change User Password using passwd

The first way to change the user password is to use the passwd command.

$ passwd

Changing password for devconnected.
Current password:
New password:
Retype new password:
passwd: password updated successfully

If you type the same password, you are going to have a warning message saying

Password unchanged

Change Another User’s Password with passwd

Before running the passwd command, make sure that you have sudo rights on your Debian 10 host.

To check sudo rights quickly, run the sudo command and make sure that you have error messages.

$ sudo -v

If you have sudo rights, you can run the passwd command.

Note: when updating another’s user account, you are not forced to know the current user password. It is very handy if you want to restrict the access to a user.

$ sudo passwd <user>

New password:
Retype new password:
passwd: password updated successfully

Delete Another User’s Password with passwd

Sometimes you want to reset the user password, maybe because it has lost it or because the password has been compromised.

You can set the password for the user, or you can delete the existing password to make the account passwordless.

To delete another user’s password, run the following command

$ sudo passwd -d <user>
passwd: password expiry information changed

Now when logging via the GNOME user interface, you won’t be prompted with a password. The account will automatically be logged in.

Note: deleting a user password must be done under rare circumstances and the account should be updated quickly to set a secure and long password.

User data might be compromised if no passwords are set for the account.

Expire Another User’s Password with passwd

When setting a passwd on Debian, the password will never expire by default.

But sometimes, because you want to apply correct password policies, you may want to set an expiration time or to expire some accounts after a given time.

To expire another user’s password on Debian, run the following command

$ sudo passwd --expire <user>
passwd: password expiry information changed

Now when logging on the other user account, it should be prompted to change its password.

Expire Another User’s Password with passwd expire-user-password

Change your password on the GNOME desktop

If you are using Debian 10 with a GNOME desktop, you can modify your password via the user interface.

System administrators tend to use the command line to perform administrative operations, but nothing forces you to do it this way.

1. In the Activities search box, type “Settings” and open it.

Add a user using the GNOME desktop settings

2. In the Settings window, choose the “Details” option.

Change your password on the GNOME desktop details-1

3. Choose the “Users” option, and find the user you want to modify.

Change your password on the GNOME desktop users-window

4. Click on the password field. Specify your old password and change your password to a secure one.

Change your password on the GNOME desktop change-password-debian

Click on “Change” and your password should be changed. Make sure to log again to test your new password.


In some cases, you may run into some errors while changing your password on Debian 10.

Here is the list of the most common errors and their solutions.

Default root password on Debian 10

By default, there is no default password for the root account on Debian 10.

This is because the root account is locked by default and setting a root password will unlock the account.

If you forgot your root password, you will have to reset it by rebooting and starting a bash shell into the GRUB.

Forgotten password on Debian 10

If you forgot your password on Debian, you will have to reset your password using the passwd command.

If you are not the system administrator, you have to ask the admin to run the passwd command in order to reset your password and make it expire immediately.

If you are the system administrator, you can run the passwd yourself.

$ sudo passwd <user>

If you remember the root password, connect as root and change the user password over there.

$ su -

$ passwd <user>


With this tutorial, you learnt how to change user password on Debian 10 Buster.

Another method to authenticate on a server is to use SSH keys. Make sure to check this article if you are interested in logging with SSH keys on Debian 10.

I hope that you learnt something new today.

Until then, have fun, as always.

How To Add Swap Space on Debian 10 Buster

This tutorial focuses on how to create swap space on Debian 10 via a swap file or a swap partition on your hard drive.

On a Linux system, it is very common to run out of memory, because you run too many programs, or because you run programs that are consuming too much memory.

As a consequence, if your RAM is full, you won’t be able to launch new programs on your computer.

You will have to manually shut down programs or tweak them to consume less memory.

There is however another way to virtually increase your memory : by using swap space.

In this tutorial, we are going to see how you can add swap space on Debian 10, either by creating a swap file or by creating a disk partition dedicated to swap.

Looking to add swap space on CentOS 8?

What is Swap Space on Debian?

Swap space is a space allocated to handle additional programs running when your RAM memory is full.

Let’s say that you have 4 GBs of RAM on your computer, and that 3 programs are already taking 3.5 GBs out of the 4 available.

What is Swap Space on Debian ram-1

If you are trying to run a program that is taking 1 GB on normal usage, you won’t be able to do it as you don’t have the space necessary for the program.

You could buy some RAM (which is expensive), or you could choose to create some swap space on your host.

When running your 1 GB program, your operating system (Linux here) will “move” or “swap” one of the programs to a dedicated part of your hard drive (your swap partition) and run your 1 GB program on the newly allocated space.

What is Swap Space on Debian ram-2

As you can imagine, the OS can switch programs from swap to RAM and vice versa.

The threshold to determine when programs should be switched from RAM to Swap is called the swappiness, but configuring ths swappiness will be reserved for another tutorial.

Now that you have some basics on what the swap space is and how the swap space works on Linux, let’s see on you can create some swap space on Debian 10.


Sudo privileges

In order to add swap space on Debian 10 Buster, you need to have sudo privileges on your host.

Make sure this is the case by running the following command

$ sudo -v

If you are not getting any errors messages, you are good to go.

Checking existing swap partitions

In order to see existing swap partitions available on your host, run the following command

$ sudo swapon --show

If a partition is already existing, you should get at least one line as a result.


As you can see, I already own a swap partition on my sda drive of size 8 GB.

As the current memory on my computer is sufficient, my host is not using swap at the moment.

If no swap spaces are configured on your system, this is the output that you should expect.


Add Swap Space with a swap file

The first method to add swap space on Debian is to use a dedicated swap file.

Many tutorials are not specifying this detail, but swap files cannot contain any holes at all.

It means that you should not use the cp command to create your swap file.

It is also not recommended to use the fallocate commands on file systems that support preallocated files such as XFS and ext4.

As a consequence, you are going to use the dd command in order to add swap space on Debian.


In this case, we are going to create a 2 GB swap file.

Note : there are no performance improvements in using a swap file rather than creating a file partition. Swap files are just easier to manage because the file size can be easily adjusted. Changing the partition size for swap can be trickier than changing the file size.

a – Create a swapfile using dd

To add swap space, run the following command

$ sudo dd if=/dev/zero of=swapfile bs=1MiB count=$((2*2014))

Make sure that your swap file was created by issuing the following command.

$ ls -l swapfile


b – Secure your swapfile with permissions

Swap files are only used by the operating system for memory optimization purposes.

As a consequence, it should not be modified by any users except for the root user.

Change the file permissions of your swapfile.

$ sudo chmod 600 /swapfile

c – Enable your swapfile

Now that your swapfile is secure, it is time to activate your swap space.

To enable swap space on Debian 10, run the following command.

$ sudo mkswap /swapfile

This is going to set the file as a swap file, setting the correct headers for the swapon binary.


Now that the swapspace is correctly set, you can enable it.

$ sudo swapon /swapfile

To verify that your swap space is active, you can run the initial command with the –show flag.

$ sudo swapon --show


d – Make your swap space permanent

Similarly to the creation of filesystems, changes won’t be made permanent if you don’t append some changes to the fstab file.

If you leave it this way, your swap space will be erased at the next host reboot.

To make your swap space permanent, edit the /etc/fstab file and paste the following changes.

$ cd /etc/
$ sudo nano fstab

/swapfile none swap defaults 0 0

This configuration specifies that :

  • /swapfile: the name of the “swap filesystem” we are creating;
  • none: there is mount point for this filesystem
  • swap: the filesystem type used
  • defaults: the filesystem options, set as default for this example
  • 0: the dump option for the filesystem, as well as the pass option.

Save your file, and restart your changes to make sure that the changes are still effective.

$ sudo reboot
$ sudo swapon --show


You successfully created swap space on Debian 10 using a swap file.

Add Swap Space with a swap partition

Another way to add swap space on Debian is to create a dedicated swap partition.

If you run the initial Debian 10 installation, there is a high chance that some swap partition is already created on your system.

However for this tutorial, we are going to start from scratch and create our own swap partition.

a – Create a swap space partition with fdisk

To have a look at the existing partitions on your host, run the following command

$ sudo fdisk -l


As you can see, I already own a ext4 primary partition and a second partition that is not currently used.

We are going to add a swap partition as an extended or logical partition on sda.

Run the fdisk utility, and create a new partition on the hard drive that you want (sda in my case)

$ sudo fdisk /dev/sda

Welcome to fdisk (util-linux 2.30.1).
Changes will remain in memory only, until you decide to write them.
Be careful before using the write command.

Command (m for help): n

Run the “n” command to add a new partition to your disk.

Note : if your host is running out of primary partitions, you can add swap space within an extended partition.
All space for primary partitions is in use
Adding logical partition 5
First sector (48291898-65062911, default 48291840):

You can leave the first sector option as default by just pressing Enter.

On the next prompt, specify the size of your swap partition. In this case, I am going to use 2 GiB again.

Last sector, +/-sectors or +/-size{K,M,G,T,P} : +2G

Created a new partition 5 of type 'Linux' and of size 2 GiB.

As you can see, partitions are created with the Linux partition type by default.

This is not what we want, since we want to have a swap partition on our drive.

To change the partition type, run the “t” command in fdisk.

Command (m for help): t
Partition number (1,2,5, default 5): 5
Hex code (type L to list all codes): 82

On Linux, swap partitions have the partition type ID 82 in fdisk.

Hit Enter, and make sure that your partition type was correctly changed.

Changed type of partition 'Linux' to 'Linux swap / Solaris'

Don’t forget to write your changes to disk as fdisk does not directly write to disk unless you ask it do it.

To write on disk, run the “w” command in fdisk.

The partition table has been altered
Syncing disks.

Make sure that your swap partition was correctly added by running the fdisk command again.


Now that your swap partition is created, it is time to enable it on our Debian 10 host.

b – Enabling your swap partition

First, make sure to run the mkswap for the swap headers to be correctly set on your partition.

$ sudo mkswap /dev/sda5

Now that your headers are set, run the swapon command.

$ sudo swapon /dev/sda5

Similarly to the other method, make sure that your swap space was correctly created.

$ sudo swapon --show


c – Make your swap space permanent

In order to make your swap space permanent, it needs to be added to the fstab file.

First of all, get the UUID for your newly created partition.

$ sudo blkid

c – Make your swap space permanent blkid

Copy the UUID value, and edit your fstab to append the following changes.

$ sudo nano /etc/fstab

UUID=4c46c5af-3530-486b-aabe-abca2543edca   none   swap  defaults   0   0

Save your file, and restart your system to make sure that your changes are permanent.

$ sudo reboot
$ sudo swapon --show


Congratulations, you correctly created a swap partition using fdisk on Debian 10 Buster.

Remove swap partition on Debian

Removing swap partitions on Debian is pretty straightforward : first you need to use the command “swapoff” on the swap partition you are trying to remove.

If you are not sure about your current existing partitions, run a simple “blkid” command.

$ blkid 

$ sudo swapon /dev/sda5

Finally, edit your fstab and remove the entry associated with the swap partition.

$ sudo nano fstab

UUID=4c46c5af-3530-486b-aabe-abca2543edca   none   swap  defaults   0   0     <--- To be removed.


When adding swap space on Debian 10 Buster, you may run into the following error.


swapon: /swapfile: read swap header failed.

This error is happening when you don’t run the mkswap command before running the swapon command.

As a reminder, mkswap sets the header for the file or the partition to be used as swap space.

If you forget to run the mkswap command, Linux won’t be able to assign it as swap space on your host.

Location of swap file on Linux

By default, swap files are located into the “/proc/swaps” directory of your system.

~$ cat /proc/swaps
Filename                Type        Size    Used    Priority
/swapfile               file        1025101 0       -1

From there, you know that your swap file is located at your root directory.

Another way to get the location of your swap file is to inspect the fstab file.

$ cat /etc/fstab

/swapfile    none     swap    sw     0       0


Today, you learnt that there are two ways to add swap space on a Debian 10 host, by creating a swap file or by creating a swap partition with fdisk.

Understanding Processes on Linux

Understanding Processes on Linux | Types of Process in Linux | Creating, Listing, Monitoring, Changing Linux Processes

Are you finding an ultimate guide to provide complete knowledge about Understanding Processes on Linux? This could be the right page for all developers & administrators.

Right from what is processes in Linux to how they are managed on Linux are explained here in a detailed way with simple examples for better understanding. If you are working as a system administrator, then I must say that you would have associated with the processes in Linux in many diverse ways.

Actually, Processes are at the center of the Linux OS designed by the Kernel itself, they represent running operations currently happening on your Linux host. You can perform everything with processes like starting them, interrupt them, resume them, or stop them.

In today’s tutorial, we are going to take a deep look at Linux Processes, what they are, what commands are associated with processes, how they are used on our operating system, what signals are, and how we can select more computational resources to our present processes.

What You Will Learn

By reading this tutorial until the end, you will learn about the following concepts

  • What processes are and how they are created on a Linux system?
  • How processes can be identified on a Linux system?
  • What background and foreground processes are?
  • What signals are and how they can be used to interact with processes?
  • How to use the pgrep as well as the pkill command effectively
  • How to adjust process priority using nice and renice
  • How to see process activity in real-time on Linux

That’s quite a long program, so without further ado, let’s start with a brief description of what processes are.

Linux Processes Basics

In short, processes are running programs on your Linux host that perform operations such as writing to a disk, writing to a file, or running a web server for example.

The process has an owner and they are identified by a process ID (also called PID)

Linux Processes Basics process-identity

On the other hand, programs are lines, or code or lines of machine instructions stored on a persistent data storage.

They can just sit on your data storage, or they can be in execution, i.e running as processes.

Linux Processes Basics program-process

In order to perform the operations they are assigned to, processes need resources: CPU timememory (such as RAM or disk space), but also virtual memory such as swap space in case your process gets too greedy.

Obviously, processes can be startedstoppedinterrupted, and even killed.

Before issuing any commands, let’s see how processes are created and managed by the kernel itself.

Process Initialization on Linux

As we already stated, processes are managed by the Kernel on Linux.

However, there is a core concept that you need to understand in order to know how Linux creates processes.

By default, when you boot a Linux system, your Linux kernel is loaded into memory, it is given a virtual filesystem in the RAM (also called initramfs) and the initial commands are executed.

One of those commands starts the very first process on Linux.

Historically, this process was called the init process but it got replaced by the systemd initialization process on many recent Linux distributions.

To prove it, run the following command on your host

$ ps -aux | head -n 2

Process Initialization on Linux systemd

As you can see, the systemd process has a PID of 1.

If you were to print all processes on your system, using a tree display, you would find that all processes are children of the systemd one.

$ pstree

Process Initialization on Linux pstree

It is noteworthy to underline the fact that all those initialization steps (except for the launch of the initial process) are done in a reserved space called the kernel space.

The kernel space is a space reserved to the Kernel in order for it to run essential system tools properly and to make sure that your entire host is running in a consistent way.

On the other hand, user space is reserved for processes launched by the user and managed by the kernel itself.


As a consequence, the systemd process is the very first process launched in the userspace.

Creation of a Processes in Linux

A new process is normally created when an existing process makes an exact copy of itself in memory. The child process will have the same environment as its parent, but only the process ID number is different.

In order to create a new process in Linux, we can use two conventional ways. They are as such:

  • With The System() Function – this method is relatively simple, however, it’s inefficient and has significantly certain security risks.
  • With fork() and exec() Function – this technique is a little advanced but offers greater flexibility, speed, together with security.

Process Creation using Fork and Exec

When you are creating and running a program on Linux, it generally involves two main steps: fork and execute.

Fork operation

A fork is a clone operation, it takes the current process, also called the parent process, and it clones it in a new process with a brand new process ID.

When forking, everything is copied from the parent process: the stack, the heap, but also the file descriptors meaning the standard input, the standard output, and the standard error.

It means that if my parent process was writing to the current shell console, the child process will also write to the shell console.

Process Creation using Fork and Exec fork


The execution of the cloned process will also start at the same instruction as the parent process.

Execute operation

The execute operation is used on Linux to replace the current process image with the image from another process.

On the previous diagram, we saw that the stack of the parent process contained three instructions left.

As a consequence, the instructions were copied to the new process but they are not relevant to what we want to execute.

The exec operation will replace the process image (i.e the set of instructions that need to be executed) with another one.

Process Creation using Fork and Exec

If you were for example to execute the exec command in your bash terminal, your shell would terminate as soon as the command is completed as your current process image (your bash interpreter) would be replaced with the context of the command you are trying to launch.

$ exec ls -l

If you were to trace the system calls done when creating a process, you would find that the first C command called is the exec one.


Creating processes from a shell environment

When you are launching a shell console, the exact same principles apply when you are launching a command.

A shell console is a process that waits for input from the user.

It also launches a bash interpreter when you hit Enter and it provides an environment for your commands to run.

But the shell follows the steps we described earlier.

When you hit enter, the shell is forked to a child process that will be responsible for running your command. The shell will wait patiently until the execution of the child process finishes.

On the other hand, the child process is linked to the same file descriptors and it may share variables that were declared on a global scope.

The child process executes the “exec” command in order to replace the current process image (which is the shell process image) in the process image of the command you are trying to run.

The child process will eventually finish and it will print its result to the standard output it inherited from the parent process, in this case, the shell console itself.


Now that you have some basics about how processes are created in your Linux environment, let’s see some details about processes and how they can be identified easily.

Identifying & Listing Running Processes on Linux

The easiest way to identify running processes on Linux is to run the ps command.

$ ps


By default, the ps command will show you the list of the currently running processes owned by the current user.

In this case, only two processes are running for my user: the bash interpreter and the ps command I have run into it.

The important part here is that processes have owners, most of the time the user who runs them in the first place.

To illustrate this, let’s have a listing of the first ten processes on your Linux operating system, with a different display format.

$ ps -ef | head -n 10

Identifying running processes on Linux

As you can see here, the top ten processes are owned by the user “root“.

This information will be particularly important when it comes to interacting with processes with signals.

To display the processes that are owned and executed by the current connected user, run the following command

$ ps u

Identifying running processes on Linux

There are plenty of different options for the ps command, and they can be seen by running the manual command.

$ man ps

From experience, the two most important commands in order to see running processes are

ps aux


That corresponds to a BSD-style process listing, where the following command

ps -ef


Corresponds to a POSIX-style process listing.

They are both representing current running processes on a system, but the first one has the “u” option for “user oriented” which makes it easier to read process metrics.

Now that you have seen what processes are and how they can be listed, let’s see what background and foreground processes are on your host.

Here is the description of all the fields displayed by ps -f command:

Sr.No. Column & Description
1 UID: User ID that this process belongs to (the person running it)
2 PID: Process ID
3 PPID: Parent process ID (the ID of the process that started it)
4 C: CPU utilization of process
5 STIME: Process start time
6 TTY: Terminal type associated with the process
7 TIME: CPU time taken by the process
8 CMD: The command that started this process

Also, there are other options that can be used along with ps command:

Sr.No. Option & Description
1 -a: Shows information about all users
2 -x: Shows information about processes without terminals
3 -u: Shows additional information like -f option
4 -e: Displays extended information

How to Control Processes in Linux?

In Linux, there are some commands for controlling processes like kill, pkill, pgrep, and killall, here are a few key examples of how to use them:

$ pgrep -u tecmint top
$ kill 2308
$ pgrep -u tecmint top
$ pgrep -u tecmint glances
$ pkill glances
$ pgrep -u tecmint glances

Types of Processes

Basically, there are two types of processes in Linux:

  • Foreground processes (also referred to as interactive processes) – these are initialized and controlled through a terminal session. In other words, there has to be a user connected to the system to start such processes; they haven’t started automatically as part of the system functions/services.
  • Background processes (also referred to as non-interactive/automatic processes) – these are processes not connected to a terminal; they don’t expect any user input.

Background and foreground processes

The definition of background and foreground processes is pretty self-explanatory.

Jobs and processes in the current shell

A background process on Linux is a process that runs in the background, meaning that it is not actively managed by a user through a shell for example.

On the opposite side, a foreground process is a process that can be interacted with via direct user input.

Let’s say for example that you have opened a shell terminal and that you typed the following command in your console.

$ sleep 10000

As you probably noticed, your terminal will hang until the termination of the sleep process. As a consequence, the process is not executed in the background, it is executed in the foreground.

I am able to interact with it. If I press Ctrl + Z, it will directly send a stop signal to the process for example.

Jobs and processes in the current shell foreground

However, there is a way to execute the process in the background.

To execute a process in the background, simply put a “&” sign at the end of your command.

$ sleep 10000 &

As you can see, the control was directly given back to the user and the process started executing in the background

Jobs and processes in the current shell background

To see your process running, in the context of the current shell, you can execute the jobs command

$ jobs

Jobs and processes in the current shell jobs

Jobs are a list of processes that were started in the context of the current shell and that may still be running in the background.

As you can see in the example above, I have two processes currently running in the background.

The different columns from left to right represent the job ID, the process state (that you will discover in the next section), and the command executed.

Using the bg and fg commands

In order to interact with jobs, you have two commands available: bg and fg.

The bg command is used on Linux in order to send a process to the background and the syntax is as follows

$ bg %<job_id>

Similarly, in order to send a process to the foreground, you can use the fg in the same fashion

$ fg %<job_id>

If we go back to the list of jobs of our previous example, if I want to bring job 3 to the foreground, meaning to the current shell window, I would execute the following command

$ fg %3

Using the bg and fg commands

By issuing a Ctrl + Z command, I am able to stop the process. I can link it with a bg command in order to send it to the background.

Using the bg and fg commands bg-1

Now that you have a better idea of what background and foreground processes are, let’s see how it is possible for you to interact with the process using signals.

Interacting with processes using signals

On Linux, signals are a form of interprocess communication (also called IPC) that creates and sends asynchronous notifications to running processes about the occurrence of a specific event.

Signals are often used in order to send a kill or a termination command to a process in order to shut it down (also called kill signal).

In order to send a signal to a process, you have to use the kill command.

$ kill -<signal number> <pid>|<process_name>

For example, in order to force an HTTPD process (PID = 123) to terminate (without a clean shutdown), you would run the following command

$ kill -9 123

Signals categories explained

As explained, there are many signals that one can send in order to notify a specific process.

Here is the list of the most commonly used ones:

  • SIGINT: short for the signal interrupt is a signal used in order to interrupt a running process. It is also the signal that is being sent when a user pressed Ctrl + C on a terminal;
  • SIGHUP: short for signal hangup is the signal sent by your terminal when it is closed. Similarly to a SIGINT, the process terminates;
  • SIGKILL: signal used in order to force a process to stop whether it can be gracefully stopped or not. This signal can not be ignored except for the init process (or the systemd one on recent distributions);
  • SIGQUIT: a specific signal sent when a user wants to quit or to exit the current process. It can be invoked by pressing Ctrl + D and it is often used in terminal shells or in SSH sessions;
  • SIGUSR1, SIGUSR2: those signals are used purely for communication purposes and they can be used in programs in order to implement custom handlers;
  • SIGSTOP: instructs the process to stop its execution without terminating the process. The process is then waiting to be continued or to be killed completely;
  • SIGCONT: if the process is marked as stopped, it instructs the process to start its execution again.

In order to see the full list of all signals available, you can run the following command

$ kill -l

 1) SIGHUP       2) SIGINT       3) SIGQUIT      4) SIGILL
 5) SIGTRAP      6) SIGABRT      7) SIGBUS       8) SIGFPE
 9) SIGKILL     10) SIGUSR1     11) SIGSEGV     12) SIGUSR2
13) SIGPIPE     14) SIGALRM     15) SIGTERM     16) SIGSTKFLT
17) SIGCHLD     18) SIGCONT     19) SIGSTOP     20) SIGTSTP
21) SIGTTIN     22) SIGTTOU     23) SIGURG      24) SIGXCPU
29) SIGIO       30) SIGPWR      31) SIGSYS      34) SIGRTMIN

Signals and Processes States

Now that you know that it is possible to interrupt, kill or stop processes, it is time for you to learn about processes states.

States of a Process in Linux

Processes have many different states, they can be :

  • Running: processes running are the ones using some computational power (such as CPU time) in the current time. A process can also be called “runnable” if all running conditions are met, and it is waiting for some CPU time by the CPU scheduler.
  • Stopped: a signal that is stopped is linked to the SIGSTOP signal or to the Ctrl + Z keyboard shortcut. The process execution is suspended and it is either waiting for a SIGCONT or for a SIGKILL.
  • Sleeping: a sleeping process is a process of waiting for some event or for a resource (like a disk) to be available.

Here is a diagram that represents the different process states linked to the signals you may send to them.

Signals and Processes States process-states

Now that you know a bit more about process states, let’s have a look at the pgrep and pkill commands.

Manipulating Process with pgrep and pkill

On Linux, there is already a lot that you can do by simply using the ps command.

You can narrow down your search to one particular process, and you can use the PID in order to kill it completely.

However, there are two commands that were designed in order for your commands to be even shorter: pgrep and pkill

Using the pgrep command

The pgrep command is a shortcut for using the ps command piped with the grep command.

The pgrep command will search for all the occurrences for a specific process using a name or a defined pattern.

The syntax of the pgrep command is the following one

$ pgrep <options> <pattern>

For example, if you were to search for all processes named “bash” on your host, you would run the following command

$ pgrep bash<

The pgrep command is not restricted to the processes owned by the current user by default.

If another user was to run the bash command, it would appear in the output of the pgrep command.

Using the pgrep command pgrep

It is also possible to search for processes using globbing characters.

Using the pgrep command pgrep-globbing

Using the pkill command

On the other hand, the pkill command is also a shortcut for the ps command used with the kill command.

The pkill command is used in order to send signals to processes based on their IDs or their names.

The syntax of the pkill command is as follows

$ pkill <options> <pattern>

For example, if you want to kill all Firefox windows on your host, you would run the following command

$ pkill firefox

Similar to the pgrep command, you have the option to narrow down your results by specifying a user with the -u option.

To kill all processes starting with “fire” and owned by the current user and root, you would run the following command

$ pkill user,root fire*

If you don’t have the right to stop a process, you will get a permission denied error message to your standard output.

Using the pkill command permission-denied-1

You also have the option to send specific signals by specifying the signal number in the pkill command

For example, in order to stop Firefox with a SIGSTOP signal, you would run the following command

$ pkill -19 firefox<

Changing Linux Process Priority using nice and renice

On Linux, not all processes are given the same priority when it comes to CPU time.

Some processes, such as very important processes run by root, are given a higher priority in order for the operating system to work on tasks that truly matter to the system.

Process priority on Linux is called the nice level.

The nice level is a priority scale going from -20 to 19.

The lower you go on the niceness scale, the higher the priority will be.

Similarly, the higher you are on the niceness scale, the lower your priority will be.

In order to remember it, you can remember the fact that “the nicer you are, the more you are willing to share resources with others”.

djusting process priority using nice and renice

In order to start a certain program or process with a given nice level, you will run the following command

$ nice -n <level> <command>

For example, in order to run the tar command with a custom tar level, you would run the following command

$ nice -n 19 tar -cvf test.tar file

Similarly, you can use the renice command in order to set the nice level of a running process to a given value.

$ renice -n <priority> <pid>

For example, if I have a running process with the PID 123, I can use the renice command in order to set its priority to a given value.

$ renice -n 18 123

Niceness and permissions

If you are not a member of the sudo group (or a member of the wheel group on Red Hat-based distributions), there are some restrictions when it comes to what you can do with the nice command.

To illustrate it, try to run the following command as a non-sudo user

$ nice -n -1 tar -cvf test.tar file

nice: cannot set niceness: Permission denied


When it comes to niceness, there is one rule that you need to know:

As a non-root (or sudo) user, you won’t be able to set a nice level lower than the default assigned one (which is zero), and you won’t be able to renice a running process to a lower level than the current one.

To illustrate the last point, launch a sleep command in the background with a nice value of 2.

$ nice -n 2 sleep 10000 &

Next, identify the process ID of the process you just created.

Niceness and permissions

Now, try to set the nice level of your process to a value lower to the one you specified in the first place.

$ renice -n 1 8363

As you probably noticed, you won’t be able to set the niceness level to 1, but only to a value higher than the one you specified.

Now if you choose to execute the command as sudo, you will be able to set the nice level to a lower value.


Now that you have a clear idea of the nice and renice commands, let’s see how you can monitor your processes in real-time on Linux.

Monitoring processes on Linux using top and htop

In a previous article, we discussed how it is possible to build a complete monitoring pipeline in order to monitor Linux processes in real-time.

Using top on Linux

The top is an interactive command that any user can run in order to have a complete and ordered listing of all processes running on a Linux host.

To run top, simply execute it without any arguments.

The top will run in interactive mode.

$ top

If you want to run top for a custom number of iterations, run the following command

$ top -n <number><


The top command will first show recap statistics about your system at the top, for example, the number of tasks running, the percentage of CPU used, or the memory consumption.

Right below it, you have access to a live list of all processes running or sleeping on your host.

This view will refresh every three seconds, but you can obviously tweak this parameter.

To increase the refresh rate in the top command, press the “d” command and choose a new refresh rate


Similarly, you can change the nice value of a running process live by pressing the “r” key on your keyboard.

The same permissions rules apply if you want to modify processes to a value lower to the one they are already assigned.

As a consequence, you may need to run the command as sudo.


Using htop on Linux

Alternatively, if you are looking for a nicer way to visualize processes on your Linux host, you can use the htop command.

By default, the htop command is not available on most distributions, so you will need to install it with the following instructions.

$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get install htop

If you are running a Red Hat based distribution, run the following commands.

$ sudo yum -y install epel-release
$ sudo yum -y update
$ sudo yum -y install htop

Finally, to run the htop command, simply run it without any arguments.

$ htop


As you can see, the output is very similar except that it showcases information in a more human-friendly output.


In this tutorial, you learned many concepts about processes: how they are created, how they can be managed, and how they can be monitored effectively.

If you are looking for more tutorials related to Linux system administration, we have a complete section dedicated to it on the website, so make sure to check it out.

Until then, have fun, as always.

How To Install Git On Debian 10 Buster

How To Install Git On Debian 10 Buster | Debian Git Repository | Debian Buster Git

Git is the world’s famous distributed software version control system that allows you to keep track of your software at the source level. It is used by many open-source and commercial projects. In this tutorial, we will be discussing completely how to install & get started with Git on Debian 10 Buster Linux along with the introduction of Git such as what is git, git terms, git commands, and also features of git.

What is Git?

Git is the most commonly used distributed version control system in the world created by Linus Torvalds in 2005. The popular option among open-source and other collaborative software projects is Git. Also, several project files are kept in a Git repository, and big companies like GitHubGitlab, or Bitbucket assist to promote software development project sharing and collaboration.

Mainly, the Git tool is utilized by development teams to keep track of all the changes happening on a codebase, as well as organizing code in individual branches. In today’s tutorial, we are working on how to set up Git on a Debian 10 Buster machine.

What is Debian?

Debian is an operating system for a wide range of devices including laptops, desktops, and servers. The developers of Debian will provide the security updates for all packages for almost of their lifetime. The current stable distribution of Debian is version 10, codenamed buster. Debian 10 is brand new, so if you require a complete setup tutorial for Debian 10, follow this tutorial.

Also Check:

Terms of Git

For a better understanding of Git, you must know a few of the common Git Terms. So, we have compiled here in detail:

  • Repository: It is a directory on your local computer or a remote server where all your project files are kept and tracked by Git.
  • Modified: If you add a file in the staging area, and modify the file again before committing, then the file will have a modified status. You will have to add the file to the staging area again for you to be able to commit it.
  • Commit: It is keeping a snapshot of the files that are in the staging area. A commit has information such as a title, description, author name, email, hash, etc.
  • Staged: Before you commit your changes to the Git repository, you must add the files to the staging area. The files in the staging area are called staged files.
  • Tracked: If you want Git to track a file, then you have to tell Git to track the file manually.
  • Untracked: If you create a new file on your Git repository, then it is called an untracked file in Git. Unless you tell git to track it, Git won’t track a file.

Git Features

Before learning the installation of Git, knowing completely about the tool is very essential. So, here we have provided features of Git in an image format for quick reference and easy sharing to others. Look at the below shareable image and download it on your devices for usage:

Git Features shareable image

How To Install Git On Linux 2021?


Before starting, make sure that you have root privileges on your instance.

To make sure of it, run the following command.

$ sudo -l

I – Prerequisites sudo-rights

How to Install Git from official sources?

By following the below sub-modules, you can easily understand the installation of Git from official sources:

Update your apt repositories

First of all, make sure that you have the latest versions of the repositories on your apt cache.

To update them, run the following command:

$ sudo apt update

II – Install Git from official sources apt-update

Install Git from the official repository

To install the latest stable version of Git (2.20.1 in my case), run the following command.

$ sudo apt-get install git

b – Install Git from the official repository git-install


Now you can check the git version that is running on your computer.
<pre$ git –version 2.20.1

Steps for Installing Git From Source

As you probably noticed, you are not getting the latest version of Git with the apt repositories. As of August 2019, the latest Git version is 2.22.0. In order to install the latest Git version on your Debian 10 instance, follow those instructions.

Install required dependencies

In order to build Git, you will have to install manually dependencies on your system. To do so, run the following command:

$ sudo apt-get install dh-autoreconf libcurl4-gnutls-dev libexpat1-dev \
  gettext libz-dev libssl-dev

a – Install required dependencies manual-dependencies

Install documentation dependencies

In order to add documentation to Git (in different formats), you will need the following dependencies

$ sudo apt-get install asciidoc xmlto docbook2x

b – Install documentation dependencies manual-2

Install the install-info dependencies

On Debian configurations, you will need to add the install-info dependency to your system.

$ sudo apt-get install install-info

c – Install the install-info dependencies manual-3

Download and build the latest Git version

Head to the Git repository on Github, and select the version you want to run on your Debian instance.
d – Download and build the latest Git version latest-git-version

Head to the directory where you stored the tar.gz file, and run the following commands.

$ tar -zxf git-2.22.0.tar.gz
$ cd git-2.22.0
$ make configure
$ ./configure --prefix=/usr
$ make all doc info
$ sudo make install install-doc install-html install-info

Again, run the following command to make sure that Git is correctly installed on your system

$ git --version

d – Download and build the latest Git version git-2.22.0

Configuring Git

Now that Git is correctly set on your instance, it is time for you to configure it.

This information is used when you are committing to repositories, you want to make sure that you are appearing under the correct name and email address.

To configure Git, run the following commands:

$ git config --global "devconnected" 
$ git config --global ""

Now to make sure that your changes are made, run the following command.

$ git config --list

IV – Configuring Git git-config

You can also look at your modifications in the gitconfig file available in your home directory.

To view it, run the following command.

$ cat ~/.gitconfig

IV – Configuring Git gitconfig-file

Now that your Git instance is up and running, it is time for you to make your first contributions to the open-source world!

Here’s a very good link by Digital Ocean on a first introduction to the Open Source world!

Uninstalling Git

If by any chance you are looking for removing Git from your Debian 10 Buster instance, run the following command:

$ sudo apt-get remove git

V – Uninstalling Git git-remove

Until then, have fun, as always.